My name is DA.

Halloween Quiz that's Actually Pretty Fun!

1. Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?
No and no.

2. Favorite candy?
Reeses, Dark chocolate anything, kit kats, snickers, milky way. One house back home handed out cans of pop. That was probably my favorite house.

3. What did you dress up as when you were a kid?
You have to be more specific. What year as a kid?
I've been a witch, a cat, a hobo, a ghost, a cheerleader, a vampire, etc.

4. Parties or Trick-or-Treating?

5. Have you ever carved a pumpkin?
I think we did it one year.

6. Worst thing you've ever gotten trick-or-treating?
A non-mechanical pencil.

7. Best costume you've ever seen?
Seen? Oh boy.... There was some awesome pirate outfits I've seen.

8. Favorite 'Halloween' monster?
All of 'em!

9. Favorite thing you've dressed up as?
I think the vampire was the most fun.

10. What are you dressing up as this year if you're dressing up? What would you dress up as if you aren't?
I have no idea. I'd love to be able to coordinate a theme with someone.

11. Do you like going to haunted houses?
My favoritest part of Halloween.

12. Haunted woods?

13. Ever worked in/hosted a haunted house/wood?

14. Do you decorate your home for Halloween?
Lol no. I don't decorate my apartment for anything. Not even Christmas. I don't really see the point. No one other than me is going to see it, and I don't appreciate it enough to want to put anything up and then have to find the energy to take it all down again.

15. Favorite decoration?
Anything that hangs/

16. Got a favorite spooky tune?
The Saw soundtrack can pretty nifty.

17. Any wardrobe malfunctions?
None that I can really remember.
Not dressing warmly enough is probably the best answer I can give.

18. Scariest Halloween moment?
I don't have one.

19. Best Halloween?
When I went to a haunted house with my bestie.

20. Worst Halloween?
The few times it had been so cold, we couldn't stay out for long.

Give Me a Number and I'll....

Comment a number and I'll answer it!
1. Band
2. Singer
3. Movie
4. Song
5. Series
6. Tumblr
7. Person
8. Place to travel
9. TV-character
Have you ever:
10. Had sex
11. Self harmed
12. Kissed a stranger
13. Been drunk
14. Smoked
15. Had a crush on a teacher
16. Had a crush on someone twice your age
17. Kissed someone of the same sex
18. Kissed a celebrity
19. Wished you were on Top Model
This or that:
20. Party night or movie night
21. Tumblr or facebook
22. Sports or fashion
23. Black or white
24. Red or blue
25. Milk or water
Right now, are you:
26. Happy with your life
27. Unhappy with your life
28. Sad
29. Angry at someone
30. Bored
31. Tired
32. Happy with your body
33. Happy with your face
34. Hottest guy in the world?
35. Hottest girl in the world?
36. Favorite thing to drink?
37. Your life 10 years from now
38. When did you lose your virginity?
39. When did you drink for the first time?
40. When did you smoke for the first time?
41. Do you believe in God?
42. What country do you wanna visit?

I Want It Bad

- Name: Nikki
- Eye Color: Green
- Hair Style/Color: Layered, wavy, blonde
- Height: 5'7"
- Clothing style: Professional businesswoman.
- Best physical feature: Eyes, I guess.

- Your fears: Snakes and needles. But, lately, I've been fearing being alone.
- Your guilty pleasure: Watching The Vampire Diaries.
- Ambitions for the future: Graduate.

- Your first thoughts waking up: Either wondering what to wear or if Joe's thinking about me.
- What you think about most: At the moment? If I'll ever be good enough.
- What you think about before bed: My life. MY future. Things I should have said or done in the day.
- You think your best quality is: My optimism.

- Single or group dates: Never done a real group date.
- To be loved or respected: In love, you should be respected.
- Beauty or brains: Both.
- Dogs or cats: Both.

- Lie: I can't think of the last time I lied.
- Believe in yourself: Not so much lately.
- Believe in love: Yes.
- Want someone: Very much.

- Been on stage: Graduation.
- Done drugs: Hell to the no.
- Changed who you were to fit in: In elementary school, a bit.

- Favorite color: blue, silver, black
- Favorite animal: owls, foxes, kittens, puppies
- Favorite movie: Right now? The Dark Knight Rises
- Favorite game: Dragon Age 2.

- Day your next birthday will be: Thursday
- How old will you be: 22
- Age you lost your virginity: 21.
- Does age matter: No.

- Best personality: Honesty. If they can't be open with you, there's no point.
- Best eye color: All the colors!
- Best hair color: All the natural colors!
- Best thing to do with a partner: So many choices!

- I love: discovering new things about myself.
- I feel: sad.
- I hide: nothing.
- I miss: my old college.
- I wish: things will work out.

Bold What Applies to You!

You are in high school.
You dropped out of high school.
You live within 20 minutes of your best friend.
You live within 20 minutes of the last person you kissed.
You live within 20 minutes of your ex.

You have been to the movies within the last week.
You have hugged someone in the last 48 hours.
You have had 3 or more boyfriends/girlfriends just this year.
You have been a designated driver.
You have broken merchandise and not paid for it.
You have played strip poker.
You are Catholic.
You are Atheist.
You recycle regularly.
You have dated a blonde.
You are friends with a redhead.
You are taller than your mum.
You have a bank account.
You’ve written a check for less than $5.

You have visited the Statue of Liberty.
You have visited the Eiffel Tower.
You have visited Big Ben.
You have visited the Colosseum.
You have visited The Great Wall of China.
You have never been out of the country.
You have been a waiter/waitress.
You own a Bible.
You own something with a Pentagram on it.
You have used a Ouija Board.
You have been a witch for Halloween.
You have been a zombie for Halloween.
You have your eyebrow pierced.
You have a Monroe piercing.
You have your nose pierced.
You have no tattoos.
You have more than 5 tattoos.
You straighten your hair.
You have worn a dress in the last 3 days.
You live somewhere that gets snow.
You celebrate Hanukkah.
You were at your own house last New Year’s.
You were at a bar last New Year’s.
You can’t remember last New Year’s.
You slept through last New Year’s.
You have worked on Christmas.
You have been told ‘I love you’ by someone today.
You were told by someone who’s not family.
You slept in your own bed last night.
You are dating the last person you kissed.
You regret kissing the last person you kissed.
You are wearing a necklace right now.
You are wearing something red.
You are wearing something blue.
You are wearing something purple.
Your phone number ends with an even number.
You have kissed the last person you called/texted.
You are currently listening to music.
You are waiting for something.
You don’t like seafood.
You have eaten deer sausage.

You have given a complete stranger your phone number.
You have been hit on at work.
You have been hit on by someone more than 20 years older than you.
You have been whistled at.
You have been creeped out by it.

You were dating someone in December of 2008.
You are still dating that person.
You have cheated on someone.
You have been on a cruise ship.
You have camped out in your own backyard.
You are wearing something that doesn’t belong to you.
You are a Pisces.
You are an Aquarius.
You are a Leo.
You wonder what will happen when you die.
You are afraid of the dark.
You have been told you have nice handwriting.
You have had a song written for you.
You have had a picture drawn of you.
You have curly hair.
You are wearing a watch.
You are wearing flip flops.
You wouldn’t date someone who smoked.
You know someone with the same birthday as you.
You slept in past 10 am today.
You have big plans for next weekend.
You are thinking of someone right now.
Your job is stressing you out.
You don’t have a job.
You have never had a job.
You were fired from your last job.
You know sign language.
You will usually try something at least once.
You have been swimming in the last month.
You are pessimistic by nature.
You have taken a ballet class.
You have taken karate.
You have taken gymnastics.
You wish on shooting stars.
You wish at 11:11.
Your birthday has already come this year.
You have been in a relationship that lasted longer than a year.
You ended your last relationship.
Your ex ended your last relationship.
You aren’t over your ex.
You have gone after someone you knew was bad for you.
You were/are a teenage mom.
You were named after someone.
You like your name.
Your last drink was water.
You have visited somewhere said to be ‘haunted’.
You have skipped school just because you didn’t feel like going.
You have taken medicine when you ‘feel a headache coming on’.
You have had a hangover.
You have a pet fish.
You have had a Jehovah’s Witness show up at your house.
You have godparents.
Your parents are still married.

You have step-siblings.
You are the oldest.
You are adopted.
You have a twin.
You don’t want kids.
You want more than four kids.
You have a bad temper.
You usually make the first move in an intimate situation.
You have made out with a complete stranger.
You have worked with a Lowel.
You have gone to the movies with a Jared.
You have hugged a Lexie.
You have held hands with a Marcus.
You have dated a Rachel.
You have broken your arm.
You have had to get stitches on your face.
You have had an MRI.
Your fingernails are painted.
You like to draw.
You like to sing.
You can play an instrument.

You keep a lot of secrets from people.
You don’t think people would accept you if they really got to know you.
You don’t trust people easily.
You borrowed something you really need to give back to someone.
You drive a car older than a 2002.
You have lost a friend you never thought you would.
You know a child who died of cancer.
You know a teenager who died in a car wreck.
You have done something illegal in the past 24 hours.
You have cut your hair in the last week.
You wear glasses.
Your favourite season is Spring.
Your favourite colour is Crimson.
Your favourite animal is a Penguin.
You last rode in a car with a relative.
You last rode in a car with a girl.
You last rode in a car with the person you are dating.
You regularly watch Asian dramas.
You love Chinese food.
Your best friend is older than you.
You have to go to school/work tomorrow.
You answered every question truthfully.

Have you ever...?

1. Taken a picture naked?
No, I don't believe so.
2. Painted your room?
Not me personally. My mom did it for me as a kid.
3. Kissed a member of the same sex?
4. Drove a car?
Oh ya.
5. Danced in front of your mirror?
Lol, ya.
6. Had a crush?
Too many to count.
7. Been dumped?
A couple times.
8. Stole money from a friend?
9. Gotten in a car with people you just met?
That tends to happen a lot in college.
10. Been in a fist fight?
Only with my brother.
11. Snuck out of your house?
12. Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
Oh, ya.
13. Been arrested?
Nope. Though, I've been in a cop car a time or two.
14. Made out with a stranger?
Stranger, no.
15. Met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
Like every other day.
16. Left your house without telling your parents?
17. Had a crush on your neighbor?
Never knew my neighbors.
18. Ditched school to do something more fun?
19. Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
A few times.
20. Seen someone die?
21. Been on a plane?
22. Kissed a picture?
Yes... <.<
23. Slept in until 3?
Never. Bleh.
24. Love someone or miss someone right now?
Very much so.
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
Yup. It's fun
26. Made a snow angel?
Every year!
27. Played dress up?
Maybe once.
28. Cheated while playing a game?
Once or twice.
29. Been lonely?
30. Fallen asleep at work/school?
31. Been to a club?
32. Felt an earthquake?
33. Touched a snake?
Never again!
34. Ran a red light?
35. Been suspended from school?
36. Had detention?
37. Been in a car accident?
38. Hated the way you look?
Every day...
39. Witnessed a crime?
40. Pole danced?
41. Been lost?
Oh ya
42. Been to the opposite side of the country?
43. Felt like dying?
44. Cried yourself to sleep?
No such thing. When you finally do fall asleep, you aren't crying anymore.
46. Sang karaoke?
Not in public.
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
48. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
50. Kissed in the rain?
No. But, I'd like to with a certain someone!
51. Sang in the shower?
Until I found out I could be heard.
52. Made out in a park?
53. Dream that you married someone?
On more than one occasion.
54. Glued your hand to something?
Another hand.
55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
56. Ever gone to school partially naked?
57. Been a cheerleader?
We didn't have cheerleaders at my school.
58. Sat on a roof top?
59. Brush your teeth?
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?
61. Played chicken?
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
63. Been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
Yes, actually.
64. Broken a bone?
65. Been easily amused?
Every day.
66. Laughed so hard you cried?
I don't cry.
67. Mooned/flashed someone?
68. Cheated on a test?
69. Forgotten someone’s name?
Yes. I did it in conversation with them.
70. Slept naked?
I do it a lot now.