Eh, futz...

copied from my journal at

Mood: Bliss
Listening to: Sirius Alt Nation
Reading: 07-Ghost manga
Watching: House: MD
Playing: on the cpu
Eating: meds
Drinking: Orange sparkling water

NOO~! I just had all this damn journal typed up and then the damn internet fucked up on me and now I have to retype it!!! *seethe, seethe*
Okay, if I forget anything, too bad! It took me at least half an hour to type it up!!! Grrr~!
So, yesterday was a rather long and hard, but satisfying day.

First, I went with my mother to take my dad to the airport. He has to leave for three weeks as that's what military rats do... I don't mind. He's been annoying me the last couple days and I just found out he was a delinquent when he was in high school. I'm such a goody-goody-two-shoes, it's sad. Okay, not really- I've done my share of misbehaving, but I didn't T.P. MY HIGH SCHOOL ON THE SECOND TO LAST DAY EVERY YEAR~! They didn't have cameras back then, so he got away with it and was never caught. -_-;
Here's something sad, though... You know how airports play elevator-type music? Well, isn't it sad when you can tell which song it used to be AND start singing the lyrics? That happened to me... twice... Don't use the airport bathrooms! That's where the music's loudest!

So, then, Angelo and I met up at Tom's house and Sam was there too! I haven't seen much of Samn-kun in a while. It was nice. Anyhoo, they put us all to work.
First, we loaded up a buttload of dead branches from Tom's GORGEOUS willow into the back of his truck and tied them down. Then, we hauled it all off to be dumped. YEAH! We took some old dirt backroads that were a lot like a roller-coaster ride. Yeah, that's right- get a bunch of Montana boys together in an old pickup truck on a dirt road on a beautiful spring day and WATCH THE DUST FLY~! Yeah, that was FUN!
Then, we got back and the lawn had to be mowed. I felt bad. Tom's allergies are worse than mine and the pine trees are pollenating right now. And he had to mow around FIVE of them... in his yard... by the end, he was having to use his inhaler. Tom's not unhealthy either, he looks like he takes really good care of himself. So, it was like watching an athlete puff on an inhaler! >.< I felt bad as my allergies were doing fine at the time.
Once that ordeal was complete, we set up the Xbox and played Gears of War- YEAH! That was actually a lot of fun. Then, we played Halo-CHA~! Angelo made a game out of the "Birthday" setting and he'd try to predict whenever a grunts' head would blow up, producing confetti and the sound of children cheering... and the occasional, "YOU KILLED JUBJUB~!" from another. There was even a point when we heard one grunt crying over the dead body of another... until Sam killed it. XD
For dinner, we had BURGERRRRRS~! Off the GRILLLLLL~! They were SO GOOD!

Eventually, we had to go home, though...

On a great note, I found out I'm not suffering from allergies, but from a cold. I prefer the cold because it can be treated and it'll go away. I hate allergies- mine don't usually flare up until mid-late summer when it's HOT out... ugh, I hate it. HEAT and ALLERGIES! Un-fun. Oh, wellz.

Have a great day, guys! Thanks for reading!
