Ahh, it's good to be back!

WOW! Two days is a lot to miss here anymore! :P

I don't know what it is with Yosei and holidays, but they always seem to go wrong for me! TT^TT

First off, my mother and I BOTH hate easter because, it's the holiday that gave us our diabetes... so, it's been ruined. No kidding, ever since I got diabetes, Easter has sucked. The first time, I was too afraid to eat anything, seeing as I had been diagnosed for a week by the time the holiday rolled around. Last year, my mother spent Easter in the hospital because her sugars wouldn't come down and she got violently sick. This year, I was depressed all day. Friends and family kept asking me "Have you found a new job yet?"
This sucks since the economy is suffering and no one will hire me because there's no money to keep jobs open for anyone.
Everyone is also asking about school. Well, I start in the Fall... QUIT ASKING ME, DAMMIT! For all you who are wondering, I plan to major in French and Japanese, and minor is Art! Okay, end of discussion! *fumes*

Then, I got even MORE depressed when my mother CONTINUOUSLY asked where my blood sugars were at. I couldn't eat any of my gramma's homemade apple pie~! TT^TT Do you know how depressing and frustrating it is to see a reading over 200 or 300 all the damn time?!?! Then, she tells me I could lose a leg, or my eyesight, or that my doctor might hospitalize me JUST to monitor my sugars (YAY! MORE FUCKIN MONEY DOWN THE FUCKIN MEDICINAL DRAIN!). OR, that they might take away my license for fear of me PASSING OUT and GOING INTO A COMA behind the fuckin wheel! DUDE! If I go out behind the wheel, I'll probably crash and DIE! I don't plan on being kept artificially alive unless there's a chance of me waking up within three months! If I'm not up in 90 days, END IT! AAAAGH! Don't let me bleed money from my parents! That's worse than being in the fuckin coma!

*pant, pant, pant*
Excuse me, but I just needed to rant. Wow, I NEVER use the F-word and, yet... there it is... so many times... I'm sorry if I've offended anyone. But, I do feel better.

The wedding sucked. The bride was a b!tch (my cousin is the groom) and I was lonely. I didn't know hardly anyone at the reception. ALSO! This was weird: everyone in my family had charged their cellphones COMPLETELY the morning of the wedding and then... both mine and my father's cellphones were DEAD by the end of it. It happened to some others too, anyone who's cellphones were INSIDE the building were drained and dead by the time we all left. My mom left her phone out in the car and it was fine, and my sister had spent most of her time outside talking with her friends and it was half-dead. It was just weird.
Also, not having a cellphone meant no music for me and no calling any friends... so, I had virtually no one to talk to... It SUCKED!
Then, the bride and groom got up to dance and I felt truly homesick. I wanted to be with my friends and go dancing...

Then, I stayed at my grandparents house and tried to sleep in a recliner (My back now aches) but I only really got 4 hours of sleep. Meh.

So, the next day, I talked with my mother about my depression and she agreed. I needed to do something that would make me feel a little better. So, once we were back in town, they dropped me off at a friends' house and I FELT SO MUCH BETTER! We laughed and joked and ate some more dinner. I really needed it. *sigh*

Well, that's my weekend in a nutshell.
Hope everyone else's went better.

Oh, yeah. On Sunday morning, a friend of my grandparents committed suicide...
Good lord, I'm glad I've never considered doing that. I could never do that. Hell's not worth ending my own life for. I'd rather just put up with my problems and die of stress overload after I go into a coma from having too high of blood sugars... either way. I don't want to die young.

Have a great week, guys.
I'm doing much better now that I'm home.

