So, I've been dreaming 'bout you...

Sorry for the random title. It's got nothin' to do with the post. XD

Man, Thanks everyone for the praise on my poem. Really, I hate to write poetry because, it's most definitely my weak-point. I don't do it often and I have a hard time conveying imagery through words. I'll stick to pencil and paper, :P

Well, I'm not going to be here this weekend. I'm being dragged about 80 miles north to my cousin's wedding. Don't get me wrong, I love my cousin -he's family- but, he's making the biggest mistake of his life. See, his family isn't exactly poor... as a matter of fact, they're rolling in dough (they'd never share it with the rest of the family, you know? I've gotta WORK for mine...) and he's deeply in love with his fiance. Only problem is, this girl is a proven GoldDigger. Even her own sister says so... And, I don't want one of my favorite cousins to have his heart broken, you know?

If she does love him, it's for his money. Which is sad, really. He's good-looking with a great sense of humor and he usually did well in school. I used to look up to him as kids (we're only about 5 years apart in age). But, oh well... maybe things will turn around. There's already a ton of drama and tension on that side of the family (most of the girls were pregnant at or before 16! @_@), and this might just add to it. Boy, am I glad I live a normal life... *rimshot*

On the brighter side of things, my old workplace -that cafe- is reopening! They want to rehire me too! :D Only thing is, they haven't got any payroll money. So, they said they'd have me work on graphic-designs for t-shirts again and get money through commissions. And, it wouldn't be very much, but... it's something. Meanwhile, I'm still searching for another job. My last two options didn't work out, so I'm relying heavily on the Want Adds in our local newspaper. *sigh* I'm starting to get depressed just thinking about it... I'd better quit, ne?

Oh, and I did have a weird dream last night. I was at my grandparents house, but it was bigger and the back was like a castle! And, Tom was there and we were trying to hide the mouse that I'd snuck into the house in my pocket. We were downstairs, which had been transformed into, like, a giant bedroom with a bunch of beds and a sink or something and I sat down in the corner to hide. @_@ Then, we were all sad (I don't know who "we all" were...) and there was sad music playing. WTFBBQ?!
And, there was a giant stuffed panda bear that I kept tossing over the railing on the deck outside... and Tom kept trying to distract my grandma while I tried to hide or get rid of the little brown mouse... I wish I knew a mouse in real life... it was ADORABLE and I WANT ONE NOW!!! XD

Wow. Sorry for the post being so long. Gawd, if you got this far- congrats!

Now then, I'm going to go clean the house and shower... maybe call Angelo up later to hang out. Yeah... sounds like a plan! :3

Okies, see you all later! Have a great week/weekend!

