Anything to say?

Hey, guys... I've been thinking... (You: Oh-no~! Yosei, thinking! This cannot end well!) :P

So, anyway...
I've been considering leaving TheOtaku... Well, let me rephrase that. I won't LEAVE, I just might focus on my DeviantArt site. I'll keep my account here, it's just...

TheOtaku has always been my favorite site to come to. But, it seems lately that it's gotten far too competitive between members and it's starting to wear on my nerves.

I mean, this site is starting to feel like more of a popularity contest than a place for members to show off their art and get feedback. I mean, seriously... how many of you leave messages and comments for people other than your friends and favorites? Isn't that was this site used to be? A place to get constructive criticism from your fellow Anime lovers? Not just to bring your art in and have all your friends favorite a random doodle with comments that offer no words to help you further your skills...

Yosei: *Draws a random stick figure*

*gets a multitude of comments like, "Rofl, that's hilarious!"... "OMG, so awesome!"*

Sometimes, I wonder if people post their art here for the sole purpose of seeing how many hugs and faves it gets... not to hear others tell them the eyes are off, or the legs are too long, or that the anatomy is off. I've yet to get a comment like that... and I know my drawing are off at times. I'll go back and work on it to fix it- thus, making me a bit of a better artist than I was before. But, this just proves that I don't really need TheO if I can find the mistakes on my own...
My friends should be making me a better artist, not inflate my ego.

Well, that's all I can say for now.
I'll definitely still be here, guys. I'm not leaving anytime soon, I'm just considering it. ^_^

You all have a good week. I'm going to go take some insulin and eat some chocolate now... Have a fun day!

