Aww, thanks~! ^_^[EDIT]

Hey, guys. I'm actually at my grandparent's house right now. XDDD
And I have a mountain of homework waiting for me when I get home this evening. *le sigh*

But, it was so kind of you guys to send some of those new little icon gifts of Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies, and peeps~! You know how much this diabetic loves his chocolate. XDDD

Easter (or, Zombie Jesus Day to those of us who think it's ok to add a little humor to the holidays) has been going fairly well this year. I stayed up late last night playing "Five Crowns" with my grandparents, sister, and parents. XDDD I lost, got dead last place. That game seriously hates me.
Then, my sis and I stayed up 'til 1am playing Sevens. XD

I've also gotten my English homework written out, but I still have a buttload of Japanese homework waiting for me when I get home in a few hours. Ugh... two more weeks... just two more...

Anyhoo, ate a lot of ham this weekend. Ribs. Ice cream. Played Rock Band for the first time last night. I like the drums. I hate singing. XDDD I also suck at the game, even on the Easy setting. XDDD

Well, it's time for me to go.
Bye, y'all~!



After I got off here earlier, I went outside and spent some time in the sunshine at the grandparent's farm. Damn, it was a beautiful day.
We spent a good hour hitting golfballs out into the cow pasture. Then, my uncle and I hopping on the Four Wheeler and went to retrieve 'em all. We found lots of old cow pies. :3
I smile because it's my nostalgia. I remember being a little kid and going out on the four wheeler and just riding throughout the acres my grandparents raise their cattle on. Wind in my air, smelling the dust and grass. Playing in the creek and catching frogs and climbing up the haystacks in the barn to get to the rafters. Ahhh...

Anyhoo, it is off to homework now. ^_^
Bai-bee, loves~
