So, what else is new?

Heh... I'm such a loser...

21 and still living with my parents. I'm forced to.
Don't get me wrong, I love them. But, I WANT OUT OF HERE!!! I'm still job-searching because, I just want my independence. My mother's always saying, "No, I don't want you to leave. You're my little baby!!! Let US pay for your car, cellphone, and medicine! Let US take care of you!"

But, I'm still allowed to search for a job... at least there's that. And, as soon as I get one, I wanna move out and live with the b/f... =_=;

My mom coddles me. She always has. I'm her premature, first-ever-conceived-and-born (apparently, she lost two other babies before my sister was born), and I had my lungs full of fluids and I had a surgery when I was just hours old, and I had another major heart surgery when I was 5 and I have hypothyroidism and I had another surgery three years ago to have my gall bladder removed and now I have diabetes and...


They give me so much, my parents. I shall one day shower them in gifts and appreciation to make up for it. Sure, they pamper me, but I try to remain modest. I never ask for more than what's given. Ever since I was young, I've tried my best to make them proud. I strive to be that shining light in their eyes that can do no wrong.

'Course, that just prompted them to say, "You spoil us, Yoh."

How do I spoil them? I wondered about that... How can a child, like me, spoil their parents? That's some reverse psychology if I ever saw some...
But, today I realized what they meant.
I was never a typical teenager. I didn't like to bend rules or tread on toes. I was goody-two-shoes Yosei. Always-hard-working Yosei. Taking-advanced-classes Yosei. Oh-you-got-a-"C"-but-you-tried-your-best Yosei.
I was a good kid, I guess...

Apparently, though, my sister is the antithesis of myself.
Just today, she asked my parents if she could stay at a friend's house tonight. Okay, normal question. But, they brought up her report card and said she didn't do very well this quarter.

If they'd pointed that out to me, I would say, "Oh... yeah... I'll try harder this next quarter." then, leave it at that, whether they allowed me to stay at my friend's or not. But, she immediately makes this offended face and says, "It's not the quarter grade that counts! It's the SEMESTER one!"

Well... the quarter grade counts when mom and dad have to go in to get you insured so you can drive, like you want to so badly, sis... Instead of arguing, you should just take it and try harder next time. And, she acted as if she KNEW it... I mean, no... she really didn't. Certainly, the entire grade is important, but one little screw up can really raise prices (especially with what's going on the economy right now and the gov't wanting to raise the cap on our debt... joy...).

So, then, I'm trying to make dinner and my mom and sister are having this argument in the kitchen. I wanna butt in SO BAD because I KNOW I could shut them both up, but every time I do, the sister shouts at me, which pisses my mom off more and makes it worse and then I'm involved. So, I stayed out of this one, just kept stirring the dinner.

In the end, my dad allowed my brat of a sister to go to her friend's, my mom refused to eat dinner with anyone, and I was forced to eat way too fast the delicious meal I made and now I feel all sickish. (=~=;)

Oh, Kielbasa... you delicious mixture of meat... I love you. But, I hate what you do to my tummy and I've eaten too much of you too fast...

The rice was good, though.

Well, I guess I should go shower and finish my Japanese homework... *sigh*

If you made it this far, I thank you. I know I'm not the most fun person to read about here. If I'm too dramatic, you can always quit coming. XDDD But, I appreciate every last one of you. ^_^ Thanks again.

