Pics from mah new camera :3

I suck at photography. XDDD But, here's what I got with my new camera, just so you guys can see...

Mah new pocket watch (so shiny!)
Closed with the gold/silver stripes:
External Image

Open, to show hands and gears (sorry for it being so blurry, I SUCK):
External Image

And, for the helluvit, here's a pic of my workspace here in my room:
External Image

Lol, it's a complete mess right now, but that's how I work best. XDDD It's also messy because I've been getting a lot of drawing done. That bookshelf is FULL of anime and manga. XDDDD Oh, and my awesome light box. It's awesome. :3 And my laptop, which I'm on right now. XDDD There's cords all over the place. After Christmas, I'll probably clean them all up. *cross your fingers*

Yeah, lots of anime posters in my room... *no shame* XDDD Oh, and if you're wondering what's on the TV, it's Family Guy. XDDDD

