Hey, fellow Anime/Manga lovers! It's TheDarkAngel here! AKA Yosei! WooT!

So, here's my World Page designed especially for me. For those of you who aren't familiar with me, I'm an aspiring Manga-ka (at least in my own mind) and I enjoy many things in life, including, but not limited to: sword-fights, squirrels, lingual jokes, shiny rocks, and strawberries.

Also, I was born in Texas, but raised in Montana. No, I don't ride horses, or boil water over a campfire to heat it, and as a matter of fact, I hate Westerns! I don't have an accent (y'all) and I don't wear a ten-gallon cowboy hat with chaps. I'm a normal, everyday average citizen of America... who wishes he were somewhere else. XD I'm also agnostic, so don't come preaching to me about anything, okies? And, I won't throw you down a well, okies? Yay! Friends!!!

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"You have to be realistic about terrorism. Certain groups of people, certain groups, Muslim fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, Jewish fundamentalists, and just plain guys from Montana, are going to continue to make life in this country very interesting for a long, long time."

~George Carlin

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Or, check out our DeviantArt page [Shiro-Jinja] that Angelo (Fai no Tenshi) and I share!

Well, hope you enjoy your visit and sayonara for now! ^_^

~Yosei (TheDarkAngel)

My current obsession:

testing sig:
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Nothing to say

Life sucks.

End of story.

That's all.

Apparently, everything I do is wrong. I always end up feeling guilty. I always end up blaming myself. I can't recall anytime someone else said, "it's my fault too". It's always me 100%. I'm so sorry.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go figure out what my dreams mean and whether or not I should follow them.



No! So unfair!!! D:

The sequel to Patrick Rothfuss's book The Name of the Wind is scheduled to be released tomorrow! BUT!
Apparently, the population of my city is so small, it's shipping out from Wisconsin tomorrow instead. Meaning it'll be about a week after the official release date before the book's even on our shelves! D:




Found a new Anime to love :3


Have you seen it? Watch it. Now.

I'm on Episode 3 and already hooked. Omigawd, Masaomi Kida is my favorite so far, but... damn, Shizuo Heiwajima is getting up there too. XDDD Fuckin' love this~


If you need me, I'm at Sky7Anime.net watching more... XDDD

On another note, I got my homework done for the weekend~! WOOT~! Now, I can run around tomorrow and have fun~! :D Or watch more Durarara... OMG, Dullahans are my new favorite folklore/legend. Even better since my b/f is a Celtic/Irish nut. XDDD
Oh, yes. I've also realized recently that I'm slightly sado-masochistic. I don't know how healthy that is, but as soon as I'm in pain, those around me should watch themselves carefully... <_<;
Or, if you can think of a way to make that work for you... ;3

Okay~! G'night~!

I... am ashamed...

I did a bad thing last night.

I drove while buzzed.
I mean, on alcohol, guys.
And, I even had a friend, Angelo, in the car with me.

Can you understand how devastated I would've been if I'd wrecked and gotten him hurt?!


I'm just lucky we made it home safely without incident. I wasn't drunk, just... in a really, really good mood. Really really relaxed.

Do NOT follow my example, guys. I am ashamed... so very ashamed.


A better end to a rather bitter day...

Omigawd... the weather today! o_O The high was 9 degrees Farenheit. NINE! And, there was the WINDCHILL! That means I was out in negative 20 degree weather! >.< NOT FUN! I just wish Mother Nature would figure out what the hell she wants to do here in Montana... TT3TT

On top of that, all I've wanted for the last day and a half was a hug from my boyfriend. And, it would seem the entire world is out to keep me from getting that. He stayed home sick yesterday. It's nothing bad, just his bi-annual sinus infection. He didn't sleep the night before, so he stayed home. Then, his truck decided to relapse this morning and not work right, so he didn't get to school until JUST before his first class started. I was waiting for him there and got, oh, 5 minutes with him? Usually, it'd be an hour and a half... yeah... TT^TT

Then, I had to come home this evening and I was STRESSED! I had to write a whole paper, finish math, AND finish Japanese. I've gotten EVERYTHING done except the sakubun for Japanese, but I'll finish it before class tomorrow... I'm just too tired tonight.

Uff, and then I had a bad experience for lunch today. I didn't want to take any money out of the ATM at school because it charges me a fee of $1.50. So, I used my last 2 bucks on some chicken noodle soup. Soup freakin' sucked... WHO puts shredded carrots and onion in chicken soup? WHO?!?! Tasted AWFUL! And the chicken in the soup was the parts that were tendons and veins and gross. =_= I was like, "Really? This is shit!" But, I ate it anyway because I'd used my last 2 bucks... TT^TT

So, by classtime, I was just tired and sad and depressed and... ugh...

But, I got my homework done, thank god. The b/f and I will hang out tomorrow after school. Gawd, I've been needing it. You guys have no idea. Yoji has an idea, but that's it. Yoji-san! Help me! I keep running into him at school and it's very distracting!!! >.<;

Oh, and I found I can pull my hair back into a tiny ponytail~! :D Woot! I'm a let my hair grow out even moar! YATTA! Then, I'll look like a REAL artist! XDDDDDD And, long hair is just cute, so there. ;3

Well, it's bedtime. 10pm. Yes, bedtime. *yawns*
Thanks for reading this. Sorry it's been so lame and down lately... I hope things pick up soon. Just gotta stay optimistic... yeah...

*hugs to all*