Hey, fellow Anime/Manga lovers! It's TheDarkAngel here! AKA Yosei! WooT!

So, here's my World Page designed especially for me. For those of you who aren't familiar with me, I'm an aspiring Manga-ka (at least in my own mind) and I enjoy many things in life, including, but not limited to: sword-fights, squirrels, lingual jokes, shiny rocks, and strawberries.

Also, I was born in Texas, but raised in Montana. No, I don't ride horses, or boil water over a campfire to heat it, and as a matter of fact, I hate Westerns! I don't have an accent (y'all) and I don't wear a ten-gallon cowboy hat with chaps. I'm a normal, everyday average citizen of America... who wishes he were somewhere else. XD I'm also agnostic, so don't come preaching to me about anything, okies? And, I won't throw you down a well, okies? Yay! Friends!!!

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"You have to be realistic about terrorism. Certain groups of people, certain groups, Muslim fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, Jewish fundamentalists, and just plain guys from Montana, are going to continue to make life in this country very interesting for a long, long time."

~George Carlin

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Or, check out our DeviantArt page [Shiro-Jinja] that Angelo (Fai no Tenshi) and I share!

Well, hope you enjoy your visit and sayonara for now! ^_^

~Yosei (TheDarkAngel)

My current obsession:

testing sig:
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So... my Title Thought Process is running on "Lame"

Anyhoo... yesterday was... different

to say the least.

Didn't really do much... still trying to figure out if what I DID do was okay... do I regret it? No.
Am I going to tell you guys what I did? No.

Don't worry, it was nothing illegal! Yeeeesh~!

Hmm... it's snowing today. Still cold. I wish the sun would come back.

OH! I did get a call back from McDonald's yesterday because of my application (from, like, two months ago!) so I'm gonna call 'em back this morning since I missed the call yesterday.

And, today is my grandma's birthday. Happy Birthday, Gramma~! XOXO~!

I feel so... I was kind of excited about it yesterday, but this morning... hmm, maybe it's the weather. Well, I'll probably go hop into the chats now. I need something to do until about 10... which is in about 40 minutes... yeah.

Thanks for reading this rather... vague post! :) I know, I'm not normally like this. Should be back to normal later. ^_^


Edit: I called McDonald's back and got an interview for 3pm today! :3 Wish me luck, guys! I'll need it. XD

French Burgers! 8'D

Uwah... yesterday was Epic fun!

It started with me getting up at about 8am and speed-eating then finishing getting cleaned up. Around 9, Tom swung by and picked me up and we headed to the meeting place (I'd tell you all where it is, but it'd give away the town of which I live in!). Anyhoo, it was a nice little tourist attraction of where the Indians met "The Discovery Corps" back in the 1800's. I say "Discovery Corps" because, the Indians don't think of them as discoverers. It's hard to explain, but I sympathize with them. Anyhoo, after a tour of the museums there, we all went to a Ranch in town.

The people who own the ranch had a day's worth of activities planned out for us. But, they had to split us into groups and Tom and I were separated. And, I didn't know a single soul there... so, Yosei had to make new friends! And, he did! One of the French Exchange students was rather friendly with me. She was kinda fun. XD Then, another girl who is hosting one of the students really grew on me. Especially after I commented about Edward Elric and she knew who that was! :D Yay, a fellow Anime fan to make me feel a little more secure!

Anyhoo, in our little groups, we got to do the following:

  • Learn how to cast for fly-fishing (too easy)
  • Rodeo-roping a fake steer (the others got rowdy and annoying)
  • pinning the tail on a real-live donkey (I felt so bad for it. It looks like it's been put through Hell, and the loud kids didn't help)
  • Riding horses (I've ridden before, and didn't like it. So, I stayed away)
  • Golf with "Horse Apples" (Really, it was frozen horse turds...)

It had been a fun day, to say the least. The fly-fishing was too easy. I felt bad for the donkey. It looked like it had been painted on recently and the poor thing had to have velcro stuck to it's rump so a bunch of blindfolded kids could try to stick a "tail" to it... All the while, our partners shouted directions to us in french to find the donkey (gauche, droit, toutdroit, derrier) and the other students tried to mess us up by stepping in the blind one's way or diving down in front of them to trip them up. Ugh... @_@

The horse riding was simple enough. My partner and I were assigned to a horse named Charger. Nice horse. I led him around by the reigns for a little while and talked to him. Told him how beautiful his coat and eyes were (really, this horse was simply wonderful to look at) and thanked him for the tour of the stables (because, really- he was leading me XD). Then, as my partner rode him, whenever she got close to me, Charger would start to follow me... not listen to the rider... I WAS STALKED BY A HORSE IN OTHER WORDS!


Then, we were to play golf with horse turds. In the end, most of the boys picked up a piece and played football while the rest kinda watched and did our best to avoid being hit with horse feces. Then, we all stood in a circle and traded curse words in french and english... and I slipped in some japanese ones... XD

After three and a half hours, I was able to see Tom again. He'd had a lot of the same sentiments as me with the animals. *sigh* They said "Horses are our friends" and such and such... but, you don't ride your friends and lead them around with ropes! These horses were TOOLS that they gave PRAISE to! DX Poor horses...
Anyhoo, the rest of the evening was spent as a barbeque followed by roasting marshmallows. I got the first one! :3 And, I like my marshmallows BURNT! Yes, I do!

Ugh, but all day, the weather sucked! It kept threatening to rain and the cold wind blew straight through us and left us shivering for the 10 hours we were out. And, the little bit of sunlight there was left mine and Tom's faces SUNBURNED! My face hurts today. TT^TT Oh, well. It was still rather fun, despite the negatives. ^_^

Ah, what a fun weekend that was. Hope you guys had a great time as well!



Yeah...! I had my first Quizno's Sub sandwich today! >_< It was so tasty and I kind of wish I'd gotten a larger sammich. But, I wanted to save room for Cold Stone ice cream (I got cheesecake flavored ice cream and some CHOCOLATE~!). So, it was still a FANTASTIC lunch~! :D

Well, yesterday was fun. I got to see LinRathCoolioFreezyMcPancakes (Linden Rathan)again yesterday on the chats! It's good to know he's doing well. ^_^

Then, Angelo and I hung out with my grandparents last night. We went to Applebee's for dinner... om nom nom. It was GOOD~! Then, he and I hung out for the rest of the evening and watched reruns of House MD. :)

I have to babysit tonight. Joy. Well, it's not so bad, I just get so hungry and bored while I'm there, you know? Oh, well. On the brightside, I get to be special tomorrow and go hang out with Tom! See, the French Exchange Students are here now and my old teacher wanted me to come to the "Welcoming Party". So, I'm gonna go and hang out with them all tomorrow and speak a lot of French and maybe work some Japanese in there. ^___^ Tom'll be there since he's a Senior this year and it's his class that's hosting the students. I graduated last summer (On 06/07/08)~!

So, that should be fun. I also got my paycheck today, but I can't cash it 'til Monday... damn banks. >_< Oh, well. I'll get paid tonight for the babysitting. Yay, pocket change! :P

Okies, well, I'm gonna go now! Hmm... Subway sammiches sound good for dinner... XD We'll see.

Happy Otakuing, have a fun weekend, guys!!!


Une autre update

So, work was... fun, last night!

Angelo and I got to watch "Marley And Me" for the first time. My thoughts on the movie: It was really good~! I actually loved it, although... I'm a sucker for movies with dogs in 'em... XD

There's a bit towards the end that I think I'll make a comic out of. I mean, this movie really tugged at my heartstrings and Angelo looked at me and said, "Dude... are you crying?!" And to that, I replied, "NO! My head was brainstorming and my head flooded! My eyes have just sprung a leak, that's all!"

Yeah... stupidest thing I've ever said... what's worse is that I truly meant it as an excuse. XD

Then, I finally got to see "Bolt". I've been wanting to see that movie. :3 I liked it- it was wonderfully cute and fun to watch. I might just have to go buy it. :)

Other than that, my cold is almost gone! :D Yesterday was the worst of it, so today, I'm doing much better! Only, when I got home last night, my mother could TELL my tongue was coated because I SMELLED sick... the only thought going through my head was, "AND I went ALL DAY with customers like this?! I SHOWERED THIS MORNING, PEOPLES!!!" DX

Anyhoo, I'm going to go hang out with my grandparents this evening since they're in town. :3 I'm a family man. :D Angelo's gonna come since they said to invite someone to dinner with us. Yay~! ^o^

OH! New comic!!! :D

Click~!--->External Image<---Click~!

Oh, I also had a dream last night about the "Final War" starting... dunno what that means, but I should probably run it by Tom... yeah... dunno why I mentioned that... x_x

Then, tomorrow, I get to babysit for a while. The guy would rather I babysit instead of my sister for some odd reason. I don't think it has anything to do with maturity as much as it does with who likes the kid. Personally, I think the little girl is great! She gets in trouble sometimes, but that's what kids do. That's how they learn. My sister... eh... she's never seen eye to eye with me. She's a prep who wants to by punk... >.< I hate that!

Okies, enough ranting on that. On the bright side, I was invited by my old French teacher to come and hang out with all the French Exchange Students this Sunday here in town! :3 Yay~! I shall go and have much fun! XD

Okies~! Have a great weekend, guys!

AH HA HA~! Spring is just a MYTH~!

So, do you guys remember the other day when I posted up those beautiful pictures of the Montana Spring Sky?

Here you go if you wanna see... [Link]

Anyhoo~! Take a look at that WONDERFUL sunny sky and tell me it's Spring!

Yeah, nice, huh? Today... IT'S SNOWING~! DX
I woke up and the high for today is, like, 42F or something like that! It was cloudy and foggy and THERE IS SNOW FALLING FROM THE SKY AS I TYPE THIS!

Yeah... only in Montana can you experience four different seasons in one day. *sigh* I was hoping to wear shorts today... TT^TT

Ack, and on top of that, my cold has hit it's peak... I feel like shet... =_= Nothing says, "Wake up, sunshine!" like a snot-puddle on your pillow (XD THERE'S a nice visual for ya!). I ache, can't smell a darn thing, tongue is coated, have a nice and chesty cough... blargh. But! I've got work tonight! I must fight through it! I shall have to borrow my mother's make up to hide my pale face... *no shame* I use cover-up on my zits too... *still no shame* And, then I'll take some nice STRONG medicine... screw diabetes and high sugars! I'm taking the tough stuff to get it over with! I'll take extra insulin, dammit! >.<

*sniffle, sob* My coated tongue isn't letting me taste my lunch... ;3;

In other news, I work from 1pm to 9pm today. So, this is probably the last you'll hear from me unless I can sneak onto the internet there... depends on how dead it'll be. Meh, we'll see.

Oh, and a new comic~! Click!---> External Image <---Click!

Thanks for reading, guys! See you 'round! :D
