Hey, fellow Anime/Manga lovers! It's TheDarkAngel here! AKA Yosei! WooT!

So, here's my World Page designed especially for me. For those of you who aren't familiar with me, I'm an aspiring Manga-ka (at least in my own mind) and I enjoy many things in life, including, but not limited to: sword-fights, squirrels, lingual jokes, shiny rocks, and strawberries.

Also, I was born in Texas, but raised in Montana. No, I don't ride horses, or boil water over a campfire to heat it, and as a matter of fact, I hate Westerns! I don't have an accent (y'all) and I don't wear a ten-gallon cowboy hat with chaps. I'm a normal, everyday average citizen of America... who wishes he were somewhere else. XD I'm also agnostic, so don't come preaching to me about anything, okies? And, I won't throw you down a well, okies? Yay! Friends!!!

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"You have to be realistic about terrorism. Certain groups of people, certain groups, Muslim fundamentalists, Christian fundamentalists, Jewish fundamentalists, and just plain guys from Montana, are going to continue to make life in this country very interesting for a long, long time."

~George Carlin

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Or, check out our DeviantArt page [Shiro-Jinja] that Angelo (Fai no Tenshi) and I share!

Well, hope you enjoy your visit and sayonara for now! ^_^

~Yosei (TheDarkAngel)

My current obsession:

testing sig:
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So tired of this drama...

Why does Angelo make my insides feel all... floaty? :(

I can't tell what he means with the things he says to me both publicly and privately. I'm confused as to what messages he's sending, or trying to send. Why does he put his hand on my shoulder or knee? He's not nearly as touchy-feely with other people... The butterflies in my stomach won't go away, though.. *sigh*

Spring Break, I need you to hurry up and get here! >.<;

Maybe I'm overthinking things. :/

Angelo got this song stuck in my head! XDDDD It's hard to do Japanese homework when it's replaying in my head! XDDD

Anyhoo, g'night, everyone~!



Like, hey~! XDDD

This weekend was actually pretty good. Went North to where my grandparents live. My cousin was getting married, she's a Jehovah Witness, so all they get to celebrate, really, is marriages and anniversaries. Needless to say, Witnesses from three different counties showed up and they served 375 people at the reception. Freakin' huge.

There's a lot of drama in my family, though. I won't get into it. It's my business and my family's... no one else's I hope you can understand.

Anyhoo, went to a karaoke bar last night. XD I have two cousins who were AMAZING. Like, American Idol amazing!!! One of my cousins is going to take some voice lessons then try, she says. I wish her the best, she's only ever been kind to me, after all.

When we got there, my mom bought me a hard lemonade. Drank that down pretty quickly. Then, my cousin bought me a mixture of Jack Daniels and Coca-Cola. Pretty good, I have to say. Whiskey... it's something I've decided I like. X3

By the end of the night, we were all feeling pretty tired and good and loose. XD All who went were me, my parents, my grandparents, two aunts, an uncle, and three cousins. I told my mother that I really wanted to see what it was like to get drunk, and she agreed I should try while I was around family I trusted. XDDD Who gets permission from their parents to get drunk?!?! XDDD

Nah, I only left with a buzz. Was really fun, though! Got up with my cousin and sang Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" for free-karaoke. She's amazing, but I sucked. XDDD Yosei can't sing.

But, he does, apparently, know how to have a good time. :3


Any ideas?

This post will be removed pretty soon. I just need a little help.

I'm supposed to write a paper for my English class on sustainability (everything in this class is about sustainability, it's getting rather old, really...) but, I have NO idea what I should do it on.

Does anybody have any ideas?

I mean, we're supposed to do something about, like, "green washing" and "local washing"... don't know what those are? Do you know the term "white washing"? It's where someone takes an old, broken down, decrepit building and paints it white to make it look pure and clean and new. We have to do something like that, only with "green" or "local".

Here in my town, we have TONS of local stores that say, "Come in and buy this shirt made of locally grown, or natural, ingredients!" But, they don't include the fact that the ingredients had to be picked and shipped all over the nation to be made into the fabric, then shipped elsewhere to be made into a shirt, just to be shipped back here. So, you might be buying a product made of materials from Montana, but the amount of Carbon Dioxide and waste that went into making that shirt doesn't make up for it being locally grown. It's STILL wasteful.

That's what we're supposed to be getting at, but I have NO idea what to do or where to start. Does anyone have any ideas I can bounce off of? I'm just at a loss...

Thanks for reading, and your help is greatly appreciated~!

Wanna help out? Donate to the cause~

So, it's all over the news. But, if you haven't heard, NorthEastern Japan was hit by an 8.9 earthquake yesterday and then a tsunami took over. So far, thousands are thought to have perished and thousands more are missing.

This affects TheOtaku in a great way. I mean, if it weren't for the Japanese, there would be no anime, and with no anime, no inspiration for TheOtaku.com!

This disaster has also hit me personally. I have a friend who's going to Japan for a year starting this summer. I'd be so devastated if anything happened to her. She's such a good friend, y'know?
But, also, my Japanese teacher has friends and family overseas. Her family is okay, she's heard from them. They live the southern part of the island, but I think she has a friend she hasn't yet heard from near Tokyo. They won't hear anything until the power comes back up...

In any case, I'm thinking about opening up commissions and donating 100% of what I receive to the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Relief Fund. [LINK]

Would you guys be seriously interested in helping me out?

Every penny counts at a time like this. What better reason for the Otaku Community to come together?

If you're unable to help, could you at least help spread the word that I'm willing to draw for money for Japan? Just make a journal post here or on dA, or wherever and proved a link back to my Journal. I'll be starting a list of things to buy soon and probably start a new WORLD for this as well.

I just wanna know if anyone's interested?



What a day...

Skipped art appreciation class again... just didn't want to go... =3=

But, when I DID get to school, my sugars were at a whopping 593! I was like, "Oh, shit..." and took some insulin then ran up and down stairs for a while. I guess when I changed my insulin pump earlier, it had failed to get into my body properly and was kinked. *sigh* Phuhcking hate being a diabetic...
Because my sugars were so dangerously high, I was nauseous, had a headache, had to pee A LOT and there was a bad taste in my mouth. TT^TT

But, I couldn't leave school. I had a vocab quiz today in Japanese... uff.

Got a C that was rounded to an A on my Exam from yesterday. XDDD Have a B overall in the class. :3 I thought I was doing worse.... XDDD OTL

Ugh, but after dinner I now feel nauseous again. I hope it passes without incident. Secret about Yosei, I am afraid to puke... like, really. I hate it. I'm afraid of it and when I do get physically ill, I cry like a baby as I'm leaning over the toilet. *sigh*

BUT! Tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday and I want to make him some Peanut-Butter cookies! I must remain strong! So, off I go~

thanks for reading