
I got to spend Sunday with my cute Indian friend Z. We played Marvel Vs Capcom 3 and watched Rango and cuddled a little, well, a lot. Long story short, we spent more than an hour lounging about in bed. It was pretty peaceful for the most part. I got to use him as a pillow, though I kept hearing this thump-lump sound. When we weren't just laying there silently, arms and legs entangling each other, we were talking about how nice it was. It was odd. Nice, but a first for me, so still odd. But also sad, because I won't be able to hold him like that when I fly out in two months.
I got so stay at his place until 9:30 before my ride came to pick me up. One thing I don't like about spending time with him is the lack of food. After a while, I tend to feel faint, and soda only perks you up for so long before you crash. If I end up spending the night, ill probably have to bring a pizza with me.

I ate like a starved pig when I got home and spent most of the night socializing with people online, moving from shoulder to shoulder concerning that sad realization of mine. Overall not too bad.

The stepdad is still unemployed. Apparently he can't even go to a job agency to look for part-time work because his truck is buggered. The same truck that was buggered and got repaired with the money that would have gone towards my US citizenship earlier this year. That fucking truck. *Grumbles.*

I might change my avatar later on. Probably to something that matches my new name; it'll likely be a cap from a yaoi manga, just like my current avatar.

