One Hell of a Run.

The clicker on my laptop died a couple of hours ago. The keyboard on it isn't as responsive, either. I fear that that will be the next thing to go...

This laptop of mine is nearly a decade old, though I've only had it for a couple of years. I remember when I first got it. My tower unit had a virus I couldn't remove when the stepdad brought this little guy home. It looked like a stray dog from a bad neighborhood. The screen was completely trashed and it had more porn than a fifty year old virgin, but it was salvageable. A new screen and a lot of cleaning out and it was good to go!

Now, it wasn't always the best of laptops. We've had our ups and our crashes over the past two years. Hell, this one week it kept crashing after starting up for no reason, but we pulled through it together. *Le sigh.* But, with the clicker dieing, it means the hardware itself is on it's last legs. Pretty soon it'll be more desktop than laptop, and this thing only has so many USB ports for me to connect things to... Ill probably have to get a replacement in a month or two...

When that day comes, ill put this thing in the travel bag it came in, and lay it to wrest in my closet: where all my old electronics go to die. *Sniffles.* You will be missed, laptop... You will be missed...

Any-who~! I've been reading Berserk lately. It's pretty good, though bloody. I might change my avatar to Puck, the adorable fairy. Then again, maybe not *Shrugs nonchalantly*

My strength is returning to me faster than expected since I started training again. If anything, my arms are getting a bit bigger than before.

