Birthday/Christmas So Far.

My Birthday was somewhat eventful. I laid in a tad, got dressed up and took some photos. Rose came over for a quick visit, was going past our place on her way to the hospital so she called in. Nothing serious, her sister just went into labor a couple of weeks early.
I spent most of the day snacking on various sweets, playing games, watching movies and goofing around with my saber, which arrived via UPS in a box six times bigger than the actual sword. I downed a whole bottle of strawberry wine and hacked up a chair cutting up some limes for some other drinks. All the while keeping the others from taking photos of my ass. Oh, the fun I have when drunk~
Not wanting to get a shower while tipsy, I stayed up til three in the morning sobering up on Omegle. Apparently I look a tad older and Turkish with my hair gelled back. Lesson learned. I'm gonna stick with my messy bedhead look. Makes me look younger.

Today has been pretty eventful thus far. They got me up close to noon and we opened out gifts. Scott liked the grill, Homer liked his dancing tits and Sherri liked her slap chop. The little one likes the fully functional G.I. Joe but hates the Pilanimal. Scares him a tad, it does. It's pretty funny, he sneaks up on it when it's head isn't facing him and bites it. As for me-

-I think I did rather well. I got:
: A saber from the stepdad.
: A fedora hat from Homer.
: A watch and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog from the gift cards I got as an early birhday gift from the stepdad.
:A bottle of wine from Sherri.
: A sharpening stone from Santa.
: Some knifes from Homer.
: A hot sauce gift set from Sherri. Yum~
: A Ped-Egg from everyone.

I ordered a belt that matches my watch and a Bad Luck wrist band with the $20 I got from Aunt Wendy as an early birthday gift. They should be here between new years and the fifth.

I'm going to cook a couple of things in a couple of hours. The Christmas feast will be upon us shortly.

Merry Christmas everyone~

