You Can Smell It In The Air.

I had a rather eventful day today.

I overslept today, had to skip breakfast and went shopping. We took the little one to get his hair cut and bought some groceries. When we came back, I fed the little one and went out again. This time to buy brisket and four cheap games. (Dynasty Warriors 6, Devil May Cry 1, and Metal Gear Solids 2-3) Overall, a good haul.

The stepdad cooked for the most part. I did some cleaning but had a pretty easy day for the most part.

Everybody was cooking outside today. Everybody~ And for the most part, the people round here can cook.

The stepgrandfather brought his Clear wireless 4G with him, so we'll have internet for the foreseeable future.

Ill resume normal online activity on Wednesday? Maybe Friday.

