Nearly Tased: Part Two.

The stepdad was bailed out on Tuesday. To sum things up:

1: He's gonna go see a judge about his sentencing in 1-3 months. He'll likely get probation or weekends in jail.
2: He isn't gonna do that again. We all had words about it.
3: Once this is sorted with, we're gonna move to Oklahoma to be around family.

I'm okay with moving to OK, the place we're gonna go to is on the outskirts of a large college town, which is within walking distance. We'll also be close to aunt Dian, meaning she can cover some of my time looking after the little one, which she wants to do because she loves teh baby.

We'll likely move early next year.

The stepgrandfather is moving back in, so we might get to keep our internet on.

I got a haircut today. It looks reasonable, but it'll look better once it grows longer.

I worked on Monday for 5 hours and made $32. I cut stone slabs, nearly took off my toe with the slab grinder I used to cut 'em. I survived relatively intact, but I need to get new shoes.

