Darn You, Allergies.

I honestly thought that this year was different, that my body had finally formed a reasonable auto-immune response to pollen... But I was wrong. The high winds of today have kicked some crap into my nose and eyes, reducing me to a squinting, snotty mess. Now Ill have to spend my day in my room, trying to contain the rapids that now flow from my nose.

Earlier today I told the stepdad that I wanted to move back to England. When he asked why I responded with something along the lines of "I've been unable to do anything for over four years, I'm gonna go insane if I have to stay here and do jack shit for another year."
It goes without saying that he's now willing to fund any excursions I require to keep myself entertained, once he's once again employed, that is. And if he fails to make any significant progress before August, ill be flying back in September.

