LV Up!

I've started killing my spare time with my TotalGym 1000: The Chest Hurter. Yeah, I'm feeling the burn... o.<

My weekend wasn't that good to be honest. Saturday was just plain terrible. But I'm glad I had someone to talk to. It helped things quite a bit.

The Nanny let me borrow God Of Warrr on Monday and I've being kicking ass since. :D The music from the game is stuck in my head, though. It makes doing random chores more fun; I give it two more days before I get sick of it.

I started copying the Nanny's Anime collection to my external hard drive on Tuesday. The Pro is that my collection is now huge, the Con is that my computer shuts down from the strain every two hours during the transfer so it'll take me eight times longer to get it done. "No pain, no gain" must be universal.

