Soo Bored~ D:

The title says it all, I'm soo bored~ D:

My week was dull as dishwater once I ran out of my British Biscuits. Sure, I got a bit of a tan, but catching some vitamin D isn't all that fun to be honest. Then, during the weekend, I had to watch the little one for BOTH days T.T

I didn't get to go out or anything... T_T

So, to change that, I'm gonna go out on a limb and put some "Friend wanted" ads up on some sites. With any luck I won't get harassed by the local forty year old male dominatrix. *Is not a fan of getting yaoi paddled by old men* 0_o

And if that fails, Rose (The nanny) Is willing to lend me her anime collection :D

Oh, and Happy Zombie Jesus Day~

