Hello and welcome to my WORLD~ My name is Yoji and it is a pleasure to meet you. This is my Life world, the place where Ill write about the various events and happenings that take place during my everyday life. From the strange to the daring, if it happens to me it's probably going to end up on here.

About Me~

I'm a twenty-one year old guy from jolly old England. I moved to the state of Texas when I was sixteen and lived there for a good five and a half years before moving back to the UK. In my spare time I like to read, fence and generally goof off. My star sign is Capricorn and I was born in the year of the snake. My favorite fruit food is the strawberry and I'm more of a manga fan than an anime fan. Well, I like books in general~

And that's that, for now. If you want to learn more then you're gonna have to read or talk to me~

Enjoy your visit~


I might have a bit of a blood sugar problem given my recent weight loss. It would explain my bouts of dizziness throughout the day.

I went to the store today. I had to get up earlier than usual in order to get a ride there. While there I finally managed to get those new pants, bringing my total of pants that actually fit me to four pairs. It also means that ill finally be able to throw those eight over sized monstrosities into a bag that ill give to the local thrift store or something. I also managed to do some gift shopping, too. I got the step dad some pants and the little brother a Mr. Potato Head. I have about twenty bucks left, I should be able to buy some other gifts and a couple of books if I shop around.

I'm probably going to set up the tree this weekend. It'll take me a while, though. It's probably riddled with spiders so it'll take a bit to build up the necessary courage.

I'm gonna go out and about this weekend with any luck. The crowds will probably be hell, though.

Time for some Pros and Cons.

Pro: I cooked a bag of chicken today, a relatively simple thing to do.
Con: The bag contained twelve pieces. I know what ill be eating the next three days...

Pro: I'm becoming a fan of Josei manga thanks to +C Sword and Cornett.
Con: What con?

Pro: It snowed this morning.
Con: I'm in Texas, winter clothes aren't exactly abundant in my closet.



I learned a couple of things this Thanksgiving. First of all I learned that it's rather easy to miscalculate how much oil is too much when making Yorkshire puddings. I also learned that burning oil vapor really stings your eyes. Finally, I learned that eating more than a pound of food at one time makes me extremely energetic. Extremely... "How energetic?" you might ask? Well, I shall tell you. I became so hyperactively energetic that if I was dating, my date wouldn't be able to walk for a couple of days. I'm just thankful I wasn't drunk, too. My energy combined with no inhibitions would be disastrous. Every yard in a two mile radius would be littered with confetti, wine bottles (This Yoji can be such a wino at times) and smiling, sleeping ukes.

I did quite a bit of babysitting today. The little brother was rather bitchy so it wasn't much fun.

I'm off out and about tomorrow. I'm going to get some tighter pants and a couple of books as "a reward for my continual work and effort around the house" as it was. I'm gonna try and get my mitts on another Dumas book, probably The Man In The Iron Mask. In the event that they don't have it ill just have to increase my Bleach collection. I need volumes eleven and twelve to connect my copies of volumes ten and thirteen.

Well, I made the mistake of eating almost the exact same amount of food today as I did yesterday. I'm gonna leave you with some Pros and Cons before I set out on my journey to find The Legendary Uke of Long, Golden Locks.

Pro: The sis went to Oklahoma for the weekend.
Con: I'm stuck with her chores.

Pro: They don't play any of Swift's songs on the local Rap & RNB station.
Con: I feel slightly less intelligent and slightly more macho.

Pro: I make really good Yorkshire puddings.
Con: The recipe involves a lot of eggs, meaning they aren't that healthy.



I'm cleaning the whole place tomorrow. I have to vacuum three rooms, sweep and mop two, clean the kitchen entirely, the bathroom as well and reorganize the shelves, cupboards and the table. Then, when I've done all that, Ill have to come up with something to use up a little more of my energy.

I went to the store on Sunday and got some underwear and pants. I'm now at the low end of a medium, high end of a small. I seem to be losing about a pound and a half a week. The only downside is that I seem to have misjudged the pants I bought and need to return 'em and buy a smaller pair.

Ill be cooking on Thursday, that should be interesting. I might make a gumbo with the leftover turkey.

And now for some Pros and Cons.

Pro: We recently got a converter box for the TV, we now get all the local networks.
Con: There's quite a lot of crap on TV.

Pro: I recently watched G.I. Joe.
Con: I've seen better explosions in the first three Resident Evil games.

Pro: My recent size drop makes me look rather dashing, if I do say so myself.
Con: I'm the only one who has noticed. Damn you, baggy clothes.



I'm preparing for Thanksgiving this weekend, shopping and such. I also have to find some cleaning time the day before, since we can't have our guests slipping on bits and pieces.

We applied for a nanny a while back and it looks like they should be making an appearance around Tuesday. If all goes well then they should be able to fully take over the babysitting, effectively freeing up my schedule for things like running, collage and job hunting. I will have to train them, though. I don't think they teach 'em how to dodge thrown toys at the nanny academy.

And now for some Pros and Cons.

Pro: I bought the latest Guilty Gear game a while back, it's pretty good.
Con: I rarely play video games and the thing cost thirty dollars.

Pro: I picked out the laptop I'm getting for Christmas. I found one that had everything I wanted for $200 below budget. It even comes with Windows 7.
Con: I might have some trouble finding compatible software given it's freshness.

Pro: I've almost read every book I have.
Con: I'll have to buy more books since my memory spoils any notions of rereading them for a couple of years.

Pro: My month away from the internet has broken it's hold on me.
Con: ?



It has taken a little over a month, but my internet connection has returned.

*sigh* The past month has been rather interesting. Without television or the internet to keep myself occupied, I turned to books and exercise. And, despite expectations, those two activities we're more than enough to keep my sanity intact. As for other things, well, I would explain in detail but the resulting post would be well over four hundred paragraphs in length. Instead, I'm going to sum it up in as a bunch of Pros and Cons.

Pro: I started exercising again.
Con: I had to get through the first week of pain that comes with exercise.

Pro: My waist is a little thinner and my muscles are a little bigger.
Con: I need to buy stronger cutlery and tighter fitting clothes.

Pro: I read several novels.
Con: Some of those books were overrated.

Pro: I went to Red lobster and the eye candy was abundant (Slender blonds will be the death of me.)
Con: The food sucked.
Pro: I could easily get a job there by replacing their crappy cook.

Pro: I mastered the art of "booty shaking".
Con: Nobody wants to see a guy shaking his ass.

Ill post more Pros and Cons at a later date.
