Hello and welcome to my WORLD~ My name is Yoji and it is a pleasure to meet you. This is my Life world, the place where Ill write about the various events and happenings that take place during my everyday life. From the strange to the daring, if it happens to me it's probably going to end up on here.

About Me~

I'm a twenty-one year old guy from jolly old England. I moved to the state of Texas when I was sixteen and lived there for a good five and a half years before moving back to the UK. In my spare time I like to read, fence and generally goof off. My star sign is Capricorn and I was born in the year of the snake. My favorite fruit food is the strawberry and I'm more of a manga fan than an anime fan. Well, I like books in general~

And that's that, for now. If you want to learn more then you're gonna have to read or talk to me~

Enjoy your visit~

That's Unique.

It's been a while since my last update so I think ill post with slightly less detail than I usually do in an attempt to make it reasonable proportion wise.

The sis came over for a visit on Saturday. We took family photos *Shudders* and played with the frozen lake. I pulled large sheets of ice from it with my bear hands (Not the smartest thing to do...) and we took turns throwing 'em onto the frozen surface of the lake. Some made holes but they mostly shattered with the sound of breaking glass and sent pieces sliding all over the place.
One of the random kids around the lake fell in about waist deep. Twice. >.>

I ordered the FMA movie and it arrived on Sunday. I watched it that day, it was pretty good.

I'm going to procure a pre-paid visa card or some sort this weekend so I can do more shopping online.

I've been cooking more Asian dishes than usual. They're turning out well but they really eat up our ingredients~

My hands are taking two steps forward and one step back. The overall area is shrinking but I still have some deep gashes on the joints of my digits.

I'm going to start going to clubs in a month or so. The kind you dance and pick up guys at. 0.0 It will be odd, I might document it as a scientist would. I will need to find a fellow observer/make a local friend to go with, though. Because going alone would be a suicide mission, even for someone as kick-ass awesome as me~ ^.~ *Dodges bullet* :P

Pros and Cons:

Pro: Ordering things online can be such fun~
Con: The wait can get tedious.

Pro: It's warming up.

Pro: I'm becoming a bit of an American Football fan.
Con: I tend to shout profanities when the Cowboys are either winning or losing.



Today was the first day of the new year. As such, I got up early and made a wish as I watched the sunrise. Corny, without a doubt. But it did suit the moment~

I laid in after making my little wish. When I got up a bit later, I grabbed a shower and something to eat before the aunt and sis came over for a visit. Considering there's a bit of bad blood going on, things went surprisingly well. They resolved their quarrel and acted civil towards each other.

Hunger had set in by the time they had left. So, to counter this foe we all face three-to-five times a day, I ordered some Chinese food. ^.^ I got some dumplings, chicken sticks and quite a bit of General Tso's chicken. A feast fit for a king, more or less. As for entertainment while I devoured the general, I popped in a DVD and watched Iron Monkey. That's right, I watched a Chinese film while eating Chinese food. Well, more or less.

I'm going to go out and about tomorrow. I plan on selling some sewing books and using the cash to buy some novels. I'm also gonna look around WalMart for anything that catches my fancy. I do have a twenty dollar gift card to blow and they do take off a bit of it's value every thirty days, so~ If I can't find anything at the store then ill probably search for something online. Their site has quite a bit of anime.

Pros and Cons:

Pro: The first day of this year went surprisingly well.
Con: It's likely going to go down hill from here.

Pro: I found some hand lotion that works. My hands no longer bleed~


Better Late Than Never~

Birthday/Christmas update/detail sharing~

I turned twenty the day before Christmas~ It was a pretty nice day overall. I got to lay in and open some presents. I got a copy of Camille by Alexander Dumas Fils, a wallet, some cash and a card! The wallet is pretty cool, has a nice pattern on the inside. The card was pretty sweet, too.
After lounging about, I got up, did a couple of chores and went back to doing nothing too strenuous. I watched a couple of films and ordered some Chinese from the local place, which delivered so I didn't have to leave the warmth of the house and venture out into the crappy weather~ I got General Tso's Chicken, an egg roll and some dumplings. It was pretty tasty~

I started Christmas with some leftover dumplings and photo taking. The little brother got a ball pit and it was my job to document his reactions, which ranged from confusion to delight. I found some fancy body spray, a copy of The Man In The Iron Mask by Alexander Dumas and some more cash waiting for me under the tree. I lounged about a little that day, but not too much, for there were chores to do. We had Christmas dinner, which consisted of some really good pork and some not-so-good potato wedges. All in all, it was okay.

I went out and about yesterday to partake in the madness that is the after-Christmas sales weekend. Thankfully, most people went out the day before so it wasn't too busy. However, I didn't have time to eat before leaving so I ended up getting pretty dizzy/light headed. My shopping venture is as followed~:

My first stop was the Half Price Books Store. It took a while to find it (Because my ride forgot the directions and took a couple of dozen wrong turns XD) but it was worth the trip. After mapping out the store I set about my quest. My goal, to find a copy of Bleach volumes eleven and twelve and the first two Musketeers books, as The Man in the Iron Mask is the third in the trilogy. My hunt was surprisingly successful, as I found a good copy of Bleach Vol 11. I also found some copies of Naruto Vol 30-33 and Trigun Maximum Vol 2-3, all of which were in near-perfect condition~ To top it off, I also found a copy of Sun Tzu's The Art of War, which I've been wanting to get my paws on since October. Oh, my haul was pretty great, but they didn't have any copies of those Dumas Books in. But that didn't end things on a low note, as they were giving away a 20% discount on ALL products. Buy four books and get the fifth one for practically free~ :D

I was feeling slightly dizzy by the time I left the store, but not too dizzy so I risked it and went to BN. However, my visit was less than successful. Not only did they not have the books I wanted, but my ride got lost for nearly twenty minuets. Meaning I spent close to half an hour getting dizzier and more light headed, not to mention the staff was about as helpful as a sack of dead kittens. So, pretty out of it, I eventually found my ride and we left for the nearest McDonald's! I ordered one of their Angus burgers and a large chocolate shake, which had me back to normal in no time flat. However, my wallet was much lighter by then (Money is like beauty, it usually fades with time ).

So, to conclude: my hunt was pretty successful. I spent most of that day reading and cooking.

I still have a gift card left and about fourteen bucks, which ill probably use to buy some clothes, maybe get a haircut. Ill leave you with some Pros and Cons:

Pro: Smaller retailers have friendlier staff.
Con: I had to learn that lesson while out-of-it.

Pro: The little brother likes his ball pit, meaning he wants to play with me less.
Con: He now has close to two hundred balls to throw at me.



I recently fought off the cold/flu. It took two days in a bath robe and pajamas, a box of Theraflu and a couple of movies, but I managed to pull off a win. Just in time, too.

I now look after the little brother for about ten hours a day because the sis ran away decided to spend some time with an aunt. It get's unbelievably dull... 0.0 Small children lack the capacity to hold a conversation or play complex games.

My birthday is this Thursday. I should get the whole day off, which I intend to spend lounging about and drinking strawberry wine. I might nip out and about, hopefully a fun place will be open. Fingers crossed~

The little brother celebrated his birthday on Saturday. He turned three and got a couple of neat gifts.

I'm probably going to cook on Christmas. Ill need something to do to pass the time besides watching King Kong.

Ill probably post again some time this weekend, probably with a pic or two. And now for some Pros and Cons~

Pro: Since she isn't here, I get to use the sis' DVD player.
Con: I still have to cover her morning hours.

Pro: I have enough tea and hot chocolate to sink a small ship.
Con: I have no biscuits...



I thing I might be allergic to this lotion I bought for my hands, given that the area of dry skin has spread and my hands feel like they're burning when I put it on. However, the bleeding and severity of the cracks have decreased dramatically... Maybe I'm just allergic to that cheap cherry-almond perfume they laced the cream with?

I had a little free time today so I played some Guilty Gear. I managed to clear it two times with one of the characters, unlocking two very different endings.

I managed to take a decent picture of myself today. Something I can rarely do. 0.0

I'm going to try and find something for the sis this weekend. Ill probably buy her a wristband from Hot Topic or whatever other store sells those crappy things she seems so fond of.

Pros and Cons:

Pro: I will soon have gifts for everyone in the house.
Con: We have no tree to put 'em under so they're in my closet, taking up space.

Pro: The stepdad is cooking Christmas dinner.
Con: The stepdad is cooking Christmas dinner. 0.0
