Hello and welcome to my WORLD~ My name is Yoji and it is a pleasure to meet you. This is my Life world, the place where Ill write about the various events and happenings that take place during my everyday life. From the strange to the daring, if it happens to me it's probably going to end up on here.

About Me~

I'm a twenty-one year old guy from jolly old England. I moved to the state of Texas when I was sixteen and lived there for a good five and a half years before moving back to the UK. In my spare time I like to read, fence and generally goof off. My star sign is Capricorn and I was born in the year of the snake. My favorite fruit food is the strawberry and I'm more of a manga fan than an anime fan. Well, I like books in general~

And that's that, for now. If you want to learn more then you're gonna have to read or talk to me~

Enjoy your visit~

F#%K YOU, Antivirus Soft!

The spywear program known as Antivirus Soft infected my computer on Tuesday. So, guess who's ass I've been trying to kick for the past forty-eight hours? That's right... *Sigh* I managed to get rid of it with a little help (Which I really don't like asking for when it comes to such things. It's a guy thing. 0.0) but I ended up losing all of my image files and had to reinstall my antivirus program... The casualties will be missed, but at least this ship still sails.

It snowed today, extensively. We got two inches at least, more than enough to build snowmen and have snowball fights, which I excelled in during my younger years.

Disgruntled Monster Snowman, ACK!!!

We (The sis and I) also took some videos of us two killing some snowmen, ill think about making a YouTube account and putting 'em up. And if we still have some snow tomorrow, ill make a snowman's head and put it in the sis's bed so it'll scare the crap out of her when she wakes up.

Oh, we got our tax return last weekend. We're gonna file some important paperwork and, with some luck, ill be able to get some accessories for this thing with some of the leftover coinage (An external hard drive would be nice... So would a webcam or a Bamboo pad/pen... $.$)

Pros and Cons:

Pro: Snow makes you feel younger.
Con: Snow is rather cold.



(Caution: Post might be long.)

My modem fizzled out on Thursday and the replacement didn't arrive until TODAY. That means I've spent *Counts on one hand* FOUR AND A HALF DAYS without the internet! Four and a half of the dullest days of my life.

The sis came over on Saturday. She's staying over here until her ticket money arrives. She says it's because she misses us but I think it's because the aunt she was staying with wouldn't let her cook bacon, her primary food group and source of nourishment. Overall, I don't care about her motivation so long as she covers the afternoon shift.

The sis plans on going shopping with me later on this week. We'll probably go to Ross, that way I can get a second opinion when I get a waistcoat (If Ross sells 'em). She also mentioned something about taking me to a party. Something about her her friends wanting to hear my accent, which makes me feel like a show-and-tell object. >.>

The Superbowl aired on Sunday. It was a pretty good game. I sat back on the recliner and eat fried chicken as the balls flied and the Doritos commercials played. It was awesome~

The modem arrived today. When we hooked it up it reset the security on our wireless signal, which was great because we had forgotten the password and that was preventing me from connecting wirelessly. So now I can connect without the aid of a fifty foot cord, which is great. I can finally surf on the bed, in the yard and, if I wanted to chance it (Which I never, ever will), while on the can.

Truly, freedom of movement is good.

Well, I've gotta catch up on my E-mail so I'm gonna end it there. Ill leave you with some Pros and Cons:

Pro: The sis is covering a shift.
Con: The sis tends to bitch a lot.

Pro: I've started exercising again and my tummy is getting flatter.
Con: I now fear cake.


Back to the Daily Grind.

The sis left yesterday, so it's back to work for me. Since her departure, I've been cleaning the house/getting over a bit of a stomach bug. Oh, joy.

I got my scanner working earlier this week. I now have a means but little-to-no inspiration/motivation to actually draw something. So, to fix this, I'm taking requests. Come one, come all! Step right up and make a request! It's virtually free, so don't hesitate. All you have to do is step right up and ask! @.@

Pros and Cons:

Pro: Thanks to some help, I may have found a look that suits me.
Con: Waistcoats are expensive.



The stepdad found a laptop at work on Monday. The screen was cracked and it was rather slow, but it was working. Five days later, after a lot of work and patience, I successfully restored the laptop to it's former glory! I replaced the screen, removed 120+ viruses and deleted over three gigs of porn, but it was all worth it. Finally, I have portability and speed! Finally, I can put that bulky monitor in my closet! Finally, I have desk space~!

The sis has come over for a week, meaning Ill have plenty of time to sit back and relax. With any luck ill be able to go out and get a bit of a tan~

Pros and Cons:

Pro: This new laptop rocks~
Con: I still need to get the wireless and DVD ROM working. No DVD ROM, No scanner, no art subs.


Bad Chicken.

Me, thinking a change in my usual Chinese order was in need, thought it would be a good idea to try the Curry Chicken. However, the Me of that time was a moron compared to the Me of right now. Not only do I feel like I've been in a bad fight, I stupidly eat it in my room so now it smells slightly curryish.

Tomorrow, I shall clean my room with a torrent of fabric freshener.

My week has been somewhat dull and slightly stressful. I wasn't able to get out last weekend so spending more than five consecutive days in the house with a constantly whining child (And I mean constantly. T.T He tires of every game after two minuets) left me feeling somewhat pissy. So much so that I took a swing at the bathroom door on Tuesday. The door survived, but it will never play the piano again.

As for the weekend, I intend to go out and about.

Pros and Cons:

Pro: The delivery guy was cute.
Con: The pain. Oh, the pain.

Pro: I put up an ad on a personals site earlier this week and got quite a few replies.
Con: I forgot to put up an age limit, I was hounded by dinosaurs for two days straight.
