Hello and welcome to my WORLD~ My name is Yoji and it is a pleasure to meet you. This is my Life world, the place where Ill write about the various events and happenings that take place during my everyday life. From the strange to the daring, if it happens to me it's probably going to end up on here.

About Me~

I'm a twenty-one year old guy from jolly old England. I moved to the state of Texas when I was sixteen and lived there for a good five and a half years before moving back to the UK. In my spare time I like to read, fence and generally goof off. My star sign is Capricorn and I was born in the year of the snake. My favorite fruit food is the strawberry and I'm more of a manga fan than an anime fan. Well, I like books in general~

And that's that, for now. If you want to learn more then you're gonna have to read or talk to me~

Enjoy your visit~


I went to see Alice In Wonderland today~ It was pretty good, despite the glasses giving me some hassle. I went to the bathroom three times during the film, one of which was to stretch my legs because my ass went numb in the darn chair. 0.0 Something I've never experienced before.

When the film was over, we (The sis and I) set about the local outlet mall. We wondered into Hot Topic, where I go a union jack (UK) wrist strap thing (So people can easily identify me as European) and the sis go a shirt. We then went to the local candy shop, where I managed to procure a strawberry lollipop. However, on the journey home, the lollipop fell from my pocket... Twice. T.T Now its all over the place, half on a small plate and half in my tummy.

I have no plans for the weekend, never do. I might wonder somewhere to pass the time, or just lay outside and get a tan while the weather is cooperating.

Pros and Cons:

Pro: Alice in Wonderland was a pretty good film.
Con: They recycle the glasses, meaning a deranged madman could have used the glasses I used before I used 'em.

Pro: I look reasonable in tight clothing.
Con: I feel embarrassed in tight clothing.


New Shoes.

I went out and about today, got myself some new shoes and such. They're black and white and really comfy. :D Really, really comfy~ They feel like really good slippers. I didn't realize how uncomfortable my old shoes were until I put the new ones on, and when I did I couldn't stop thinking "Ngh~" for the first twenty minuets and "Ahhhhh~" for the remainder of that hour. I even did a lap around the lake to break 'em in, it was awesome. Well, as awesome as new shoes can be.

I also cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom today, which wasn't as bad as it implies. I might mop the floors tomorrow, might not. Ill probably change the oil in the fryer and cook up some fish, though.

Pros and Cons:

Pro: New shoes, new shoooooes~ *Dances*



I'm just about back to normal now. I can't get in a push-up position without my nose blocking up, but that should fade within a day or two.

So, this little ailment of mine has really thrown me off schedule. I haven't been able to exercise because of it, meaning my insomnia has come back with a vengeance 0.0 I'm gonna have to leap face first into my old routine.

I watched Zombie Land for the first time about half an hour ago. It was really, really funny.

Uh, yeah. Illness causes my usually energetic lifestyle to turn rather dull, so I haven't got much of anything to post right now... I should have something in two, three days tops~


Sich As A Dog, Excited As A Puppy.

I've been fairly inactive this past week, I know. However, I have two-to-three valid reasons. First of all, we got hooked up with cable internet on Thursday. Meaning I could finally catch up on some things~ Secondly, my shipment from CompUSA arrived the same day~ So, with a sixteen gig MP4 player in one hand and a fast computer in the other, I set about downloading like a Yoji possessed.

As for the third reason; I came down with a bug yesterday. T.T My throat feels like crap and I've been rather phlegmish. In the past thirty-six hours I've only had most of a can of chicken soup and about ten cough drops to eat. And to make matters worse, they bought in rice crispy treats earlier today. 0.0 To say that I haven't had one of those godly treats in half a decade would be an accurate statement.

It sucks when you can't eat anything that isn't a liquid. T_T

Well, I'm gonna go grab some more bed rest now. With any luck ill be well within a day or two.


We're All Otaku?

I had an interesting weekend. I went to the mall on Saturday with the sis. We went from store to store in the blistering cold wind (Because it's an outlet mall) in search of riches. We laughed, we joked, I eat, she smoked. And, at the very end, I ended up making out like a bandit in a town full of blind people. :D I got three shirts, a black tie, a red and black checkered bandanna and a black waistcoat~

Sunday was a day full of cleaning for me. So I swept, mopped, vacuumed and wiped down every square inch of this place in preparation for the nanny's visit. By the time the place sparkled, I was running pretty low on energy, so I threw some crap into the slow cooker and ended up making some tasty chicken soup.

The nanny arrived today, her name is Rose and she's a thirty twenty-something year old otaku. 0.0 And I mean otaku, her collection makes mine look like a kid's pool and she's a regular con goer to boot. Instant Pro/WIN.

I'm gonna order some junk from CompUSA tonight, I won't have to cook because there's a crap load of soup left over.

Pros and Cons:

Pro: Teh nanny is an- *Is shot for repetition*

Pro: My waistcoat makes me look pretty spiffy, if I do say so myself.
