Hello and welcome to my WORLD~ My name is Yoji and it is a pleasure to meet you. This is my Life world, the place where Ill write about the various events and happenings that take place during my everyday life. From the strange to the daring, if it happens to me it's probably going to end up on here.

About Me~

I'm a twenty-one year old guy from jolly old England. I moved to the state of Texas when I was sixteen and lived there for a good five and a half years before moving back to the UK. In my spare time I like to read, fence and generally goof off. My star sign is Capricorn and I was born in the year of the snake. My favorite fruit food is the strawberry and I'm more of a manga fan than an anime fan. Well, I like books in general~

And that's that, for now. If you want to learn more then you're gonna have to read or talk to me~

Enjoy your visit~

Terms Of Employment.

I went to the citizenship lawyer today. It took a little over half an hour for us to get things sorted out, which was surprisingly easy... 0.0

To break it down: They calculated all the needed funds and, in total, we have to pay 'em about $2800 before they file it off. But, after we pay 'em, they will aid us through the entire process, which will last at least four years. But once they file it off, it'll take no more than six-to-eight weeks before ill receive my working and learning permits, meaning ill finally be able to work and go to college.

So, the question is: How do I make nearly three grand?

The answer: Work my ass off as a day laborer~

Ill start off by mowing lawns on the complex. They fine 'em $50 if they don't cut it so ill charge about $30. With that alone, if I can mow at least ten lawns a month (And they are big ones), it'll take four months to gain a grand.

My other option is to work as a sign. You know, those guys who hold signs because it's illegal to stick 'em in the ground. It doesn't pay much, but it'll help fill in the funds while the grass grows.

I might put an ad up on craigslist, too...

But that's only what I'm doing. The stepdad is going to do a bunch of side jobs. He usually brings in at least three figures per job, which usually only lasts a couple of hours each. So, our combined efforts mixed with a lower food budget should earn us enough cash to get it filed off in about four months. Add a month and a half for processing and I should be able to get a job and go to college by winter semester.

It'll be a tad bit strenuous, but at least ill get a deep tan.


A Long, Irritated Sigh~

This week has been quite eventful so far, and quite a bit of it has been rather irritating. So, I think ill break this post into a list of the urks and the okays.

Urkesome List:

: The lawyer appointment had to be moved to Tuesday due to the truck breaking down.
: I had to get up really early today... T.T
: I had to clean the whole house because-
: The stepdad's new girlfriend is coming over for DINNER and-
: I have to play an active role during her visit~

I will be civil, but I probably won't enjoy it... I say probably because he's bought in rib-eyes, and I haven't had a steak for over a year...

Pro list:

: I have a cellphone now.
: I should be getting a basketball tomorrow.
: We're also off to Fiesta tomorrow, a large Mexican meat market.
: The sis moved back to the UK.


Back On Track.

Thanks to about three days of prep, I'm just about back on routine. Hello scheduled existence, how I missed thee. 0.0

My weekend was rather dull. It rained on Saturday and snowed on Sunday. I did the usual cleaning about and that and preformed some computer maintenance. Maintenance I might have to preform again because it's been acing rather buggy lately. I've also got to get some carpet cleaner because some tit left moody bootprints leading from the bathroom to the kitchen.

Today is the sis' birthday, she turns nineteen. She barged into my room wanting a hug while I was stretching so I made her get me six pancaked and some syrup. I eat four, pancaked are really expansive. I also made her close to thirty doughnuts since they're her crack. Meh.

Lawyer on Thursday and cellphone on Friday. The sis is getting her flight on Saturday so ill probably be babysitting all day that day.

No Pros and Cons come to mind right now. Ill post again on Thursday/Friday.


Moving Forward.

I have an appointment with a citizenship lawyer on the 25th. With any luck ill find out how much things will cost that day and be able to set up a reasonable time frame for when I need to do what. 0.0

I really need to get back in shape. It's not that I've let myself go, it's just that my stamina sucks. I use to be able to run for an hour in 90+ degree heat easily, and now I can't even manage twenty minuets... T.T But, I guess babysitting for five months will do that to you.

I've also been looking at the local community college, and I must say that it looks pretty snazzy. They offer History and Psychology, but they don't offer much athletics wise. They do have a large focus on the arts, though. Theater, music, dancing, truly the perfect place for a seme to hunt truly the perfect place to learn about many diverse things.

Oh, and the college also has a Host Club. Ehehehehe.

The sis' flight has been delayed a week, I won't be getting a phone until the 26th.

Pros and Cons:

Pro: Hunan food is pretty nice.
Con: The black beans tend to explode, sending spicy juice straight to the back of my throat.

Pro: I managed to get an eight gig card for my MP4 player.
Con: The staff at the store looked like the characters from Chuck, and I could hardly stop myself from laughing at them, which made me come off as a dick.

Ill probably be relatively inactive for the next couple of weeks while I get things sorted out. Ill pop on every now and again to update, though.



It has been rather bright and sunny the past several days. The birds are a singing and the trees are turning greener by the day, looks to me like Spring is finally here~

This weather is great, I can finally get my color back :D Hello sun, goodbye pale skin~

Pros and Cons:

Pro: Tan tiem~
Con: The winter has ravaged my usually tan complexion. And now that the sun is shining, I can see just how pale I've gotten. T.T

Pro: Goodbye, ugly winter clothes. Hello short sleeved shirts~
Con: The clocks change this weekend, not to mention all those bugs are waking up. F@#K!
