I'm bored, sad and angry.

Yes, I am...
The biggest anime convetion in my coutry just started and I will not participate this year again *sigh*

I'm waiting for this event since 2002, and I never get the chance to go. I've never been in a anime event yet, and I have some idea of it, because my friends aways go and invite me to.

Don't know why my parentes never let me go, but they aways say: "They are a brute of idiots, chewing drugs, drinking beer, and will rob and rape you." My friends aways go, and they never got addicted to drugs and alcahool, never been pregnat and never been robbed.

By the way, I've been in parties way way worse, and those one my parentes let me to go, or obligate me to... But those college parties are for sure not for my taste. I donnot understand my parents (-.-)'
