This world was created for me to post my ideas and thoughts.

*Name: Michele
*Age: 21
*Birth day: 11/7/1988
*Graduation: College - 2nd year
*Gender: female
*Hair/Eyes: well, I am Asian like - so staight black/dark brown.
*Blood type: as sayed before I'm Asian like - B +
*Status: single
*YouTube account: TantyoNishikigoi
*FUTURE PSN: TantyoNishikigoi
*Twitter: TantyoKoi
*Likes: manga, anime, music, games, funny videos from YouTube, friends, my dog.
*Pet: Dog (yorshire - Mel - 11 years old).
*Dislikes: Dubbled anime, greed, rudeness.
*Music: Games soundtrack, anime soundtrack, rock, folk and punk.
*Favorites bands: Kodo, Yoshida Brothers and SOAD
*Country and State: Brazil - São Paulo
*Favorites places: Japanese dictrict in São Paulo, my cousin's apartament in Rio de Janeiro and my friend's house in Angra dos Reis.
*Favorite Sports: Surf, Tennis, Running and Volley Ball. I kinda like soccer but I'm not a very good player.
*Favorite Subject: all that I can do on the lab, I really enjoy seen and making things.
*Favorite Anime Characters: Yuko [xXx-holic], Ed [FMA], L [Death Note], George [Paradise Kiss]
*Favorite Vocaloids: I love them all!
*Favorite Games Character: Link [Legend of Zelda], Okami [Okami], Rita [Tales of Vesperia], Gallon [DarkStalkers], Fortituto [Bayonetta], Midna [Legend of Zelda], Prince [Prince of Persia], Altaïr [Assassin's Creed], Leonardo [Assassin's Creed II], Ezio [Assassin's Creed II]
*Favorite Colors: red, black, purple, dark blue.
*Hobbies: Drawing, playing video-games, watching anime/movies.
*Favorite Food: Chop Suey, Japanese Food, Vegetarian Food, Indian Food [Dishes from India are awesome and vegetarian], Korean Food [is simply: grill your favorite vegetables with fish, butter and soy souce - I do this when I have no time to cook].
*Favorite Drink: Indian Chai [with milk], Capuccino, grape juice, pineapple with mint juice.

Better, Brighter, Stronger, Faster: Misso Soup

I saw that on tv: according to Japanese researches eat Missoushiro Soup once a day can make you better, brighter, stronger, and faster. They are still studying it, but they have "guinea pigs" to made this conclusion: the doctor whom assisted people from the Nuclear Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The doctors and nurses used to drink Misso soup once a day, but they didn't (and still don't) feel the efects of the radiation. After the accident in Chernobyl, Russian people now included the soup on their meals.

Amazing isn't?

My Avatar

Many people asked me for the image of my avatar.

Well, I will be happy sendidng to the ones that want it :-D

I will not change it since it makes me laugh every time I seen it........Nya...

Hug Chain

Someone created a chain to the members send to each other.
Chain mensages are copied and pasted but, if you truly think about it, seems that we haven't enough time to send a personal mensage, even if its a short one.
On the other hand, if you reseve a chain letter is the moment that you have thought in someone special.

Exams ¬¬'

Sad day....I thought I did well at the last test, but I got 5.7, and I needed 8.8 u.u'. My mom will kill me, if she knows that. My teacher says that I'm an a lost case, and mentally incapable, like I have Aspger Syndrome...or another mental desease.
Well, I know that many people will think this post depressive, but wouldn't be depressive after your on teacher says that for you?
I can take another exam or I'll quit college T.T

Total Exams: 3

Tests almost done....

Yay, I'm kinda happy cause my tests will end tomorrow....wwheeeee....
Today was the most wierd test I've ever made: was done in goups with 4 people (o.õ)'
Hope I got a GOOOD great now, cause I didn't study hard for this subject and spend more time studyng Biochemestry, Anatomy, and Dental Materials.

Man, I really need some vacation...