The Collection

Hello everyone,

It's been a while since i last posted, but i made a deadline before the end of the year to get another book case for my Anime Collection, and to re-organize it as well.

Well last night I finally got the new book case put together, and after a few hours of moving shelves, VHS tapes and DVDs, i finally finished.

Now i have room to spare for when i buy more anime, and the shelves wont be so crammed.

Here's the pic of my updated anime Collection -

External Image

Other than that i havent really been up to much, just been working, watching anime and playing videogames (Halo 4 & WWE 13).

I've also been playing Halo 3 as well, but i'll post about that stuff on my Halo World lol.

Well i guess that will be all for now, i'll be sure to post another update on some of the anime ive been watching so i can catch up with everyone :)

stay strong,

