The Sheltering Sky

Hello everyone and i thank you for visiting today. Id like to start things of a little differently in this post today. Today a friend of mine lost a close family member, someone his entire family cared about and looked up to with the absolute most amount of love and respect. I wont go into detail about it because he and his family deserve their privacy and respect right now during this tough time and i personally wanted to dedicate part of my post to the memory of his family member and the friendship and brotherhood he and i share. I consider him a brother and if he has lost, then i have lost as well and i just wanted to let him know that i am always here, no matter what lies on the road ahead.

There is a quote i heard an actor talk about during an interview once and since then, ive always managed to remember it. Everything about it seemed so right and i thought id post it up today so everyone could read it. Its a quote from "The Sheltering sky"

"Death is always on the way, but the fact that you don't know when it will arrive seems to take away from the finiteness of life. It is that terrible precision that we hate so much. But because we don't know, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember as certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that's so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps 4 and 5 times more. Perhaps not even. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps 20. And yet it all seems limitless."

Everytime i read this, it makes me want to stay up all night just to see the sun come up. And when i do, i wonder how many other people are doing the same thing. Since i work nights, I usually have the privelidge of seeing the sun come up just about every morning when i get off work, So i ask anyone who reads this-

If you ever get the chance, stop everything one morning and take the time to watch the sun come up. Maybe by yourself, or with someone you love, youll be amazed how something so simple can be so significant. I also ask you that if you have a significant other - take a few moments to look intotheir eyes for a minute or two. No talking or anything, youll be amazed how just a few moments can seem like a lifetime and youll be able to understand what the above quote means :)

As for me - today i havent been up to much. I fell asleep last night watching/recording an encore of thurdays' TNA wrestling program. I spent most of yesterday being lazy and eating while creating wallpapers and enjoying my weekend off work lol. Early this morning, around 3am, i found myself being awakend by a bad dream. I had a dream that one of my teeth had been broken , and i cant remember the rest, all i know is that it seemed pretty real when i was dreaming it. I then got up and rescanned & resized some of my artwork. Before - my artworks uploads were small clips because of the old rules here on theotaku that the clips had to be regulated to a certain size. Now that the overall size has increased, i was able to make the clips larger for everyones viewing pleasure ^^ I also ulpoaded some new wallpapers and watched 2 anime demo dvds , but im going to wait until tommorrow before i post the reviews, so that i can watch a little more throughout the rest of today.

Other than that, i havent been up to much today, just been trying to enjoy the rest of the weekend before i have to head to work tommorrow night.

well i suppose thats about it for today, i thank you all for visiting and i hope to chat with you all soon^^

stay strong

