Update 7.7.09

So I just got back from my trip late Sunday. It was pretty fun. Big family reunion on my Mum's side, which is a big deal because they're scattered all over the place and my Dad's side, in it's entirety, lives in the same area as me.

Anyways, met a lot of people I've never met, and some I only met when I was really little. I made a whole family tree and everything. Apparently two of my first cousins once removed (my Mum's cousins) and their families live in Canada. It gets pretty hectic on the tree though..goes down to like..second cousins once removed. Overall it was pretty sweetness though.

In other news, I just published a Samurai Champloo wallpaper. I like the way it turned out. Uhh...don't have much else to say..I haven't eaten anything today and it's already 1:30, soooooo I'm gonna go work on that.

Xx Delta77 xX
