Yay, life.

My dermatitis is starting to come back again, which is actually really annoying. DX It itches soooo much.....
And I'm still quite unhappy for now. The dermatitis may or may not be caused by stress, except there isn't really any stress at all right now. I haven't heard from Stocky in a while, too. At least, not since her last post. It's pretty worrying. I have a feeling that my clarinet playing has gone down since I"m in a larger class with people above me. I'm missing simple notes, and it's harder to read the staff now. It's very worrying. I'm not too pleased with most of my drawings anymore, too. It's like, what even are they????
And best of all, I fear Grinny and I may not be that good of friends anymore. She has expressed that at times she feels malignant towards me and is growing more annoyed and snappish with me, and not really getting most of my jokes anymore. It's pretty saddening.

On the bright side, however, I'm getting some good grades and my friend recently gave me a copy of the Minecraft Beta, so...
Also, I really feel like watching Wall-E and Halloween II and Megamind again. Maybe even Lilo and Stitch.