The Joys of Another Sick Day on Friday...

I woke up at about 7:30 AM, due to my mom and sister, and A Horse With No Name by America was playing. IT'S A GOOD SONG!!!! Mom wanted me up cause she was leaving with my sis, and the sis wanted some gum. Luckily for her, I had some for some reason. o-O I didn't even know that I had it. So then while they leave, I just kinda chill out in bed for another 25 minutes. Then at 7:55 I finally drag myself outta bed and have toast. Cause we had no waffles.~ Then I just kinda lounged around playing Pokemon and getting a Charmander and Bublasaur while watching Spongebob and Looney Tunes. And they have no names, but are leveling up so fast. ;3; Charmander's even a Charmeleon now~ So then I lounged around until about 1PM when we went to Walgreens to pick up some antibiotics. While she handled that, I stalked around the store. And was pretty interested in the band-aid section. Did you that they have band-aids that are about six inches long, which is the same as my hand? So after taht we saw my cousin outside of the store. It was kinda weird, cause I recognized his face, yet couldn't remember his name. On the way home, it was raining!!!! I died of happiness. And then me and mom started talking about killer camels eating me if I didn't take out my earbuds.

We then went grocery shopping around four, and me and my sis were both in a really good mood, but mom wasn't, so she was kinda yelling at us, which then had my sis yelling back, so...... :/ It wasn't that enjoyable. But we at least have a good choice of food now <33
