Lost-and-found Friday~

Today was just plain DERP. I wake up, listen to derpy music as I'm getting ready, and I have to actually RUN to catch the bus. So on the bus, me and my friend Abby worked mainly on a math project that was due by the end of day. We procrastinate too much. English was rather uneventful. We ended up missing half of the hour for a play. THe play was great, though. XDDD There was a derpy king in it who couldn't tie his own shoes. At the end, he said, "I TIED MY SHOES!!!", and everyone died. He even got the most applause. In Social Studies we ended up making maps of Central America and the Bahamas and Caribbean Islands and stuff.

Lunch was uneventful. We nearly made Deima choke, I showed my friend Cierra how to draw shot hair with long bangs, and did my Spanish homework. In science we talked a little, I improved a fail!video about physics and roller coasters that I"m almost sure that I'll get an F on. We also learned how to use these really fanceh, cool remote-thingys. In band, we did the usual. IN SPANISH, we spend the whole hour talking about why we weren't or for some lucky souls, were doing well this year. I spent most of it spacing out and doodling. X3 And I got most of my homework for this weekend done.

On the ride back my friends Brandyn and Abby decided taht me and Lin together were the only crazy ones on the bus, and put up a "barrier" consisting of his arm. e3e;; So me and Lin were just cracking up at things like expressions, trees, and existence itself. So after I came home, me and the fam went to B&N where we were just chilling out. I got Dementium II, and it's scary as crap. DDDDD8 THere's this dark looming cloud-thing with six red eyes that follows you around at the part where I'm at. ......I'm so gonna play it at 3AM.
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The only reason this is related is because me and my friends compare our heights and hand size so much XDD I'm actually one of the tallest among my group, and I"m 5'1" In the picture, Kouki, the one who's all "HAHA SHORTIE" is 6'2"-ish, and Hikaru, who's all "GOT JOOOOOKES?" is about my height. Major difference there, man. XDDD
