im not scared easily, but this.........

i saw a video of the catastrophe that happened 8 years ago........... it was pretty scary............... and im not scared easily...........O____O'
A moment of silence for the people who died on 9/11/01.......................................................................................................................................................
one guy said that was cool, so me and a friend asked him why, and almost hit him for that, cuz Americans dying cuz of terrorist attacks is NOT COOL!!!!!!!D:<

ugh..........i cant type today..............and THE CURSE STRUCK AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IT BROKE MY AMEYTHIST ARROWHEAD THAT I GOT ON A MOUNTAIN IN COLORADO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW ITS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(actually, a friend of mine broke it on accident, but that still counts....) i cant believe that broke..........
and it's almost Saturday, almost time to go watch some Tokio Hotel videos on the library computer!!!!!!!!!!!got to remember to thank Angelofpurity for that, and a awesome commment to say if any1 tries to watch it besides me...>:DDD
and does some1 know a good pic of BB that i can go onto w/o going thru parentel controls????????O___o'
