
mood:uh....*cant think*
listening to:white and nerdy(weird al)

kinda bored right now so.......i thought i might make a post!:D heh-white and nerdy's a pretty funny song!hmmm...so far,here's a list of my enemies/people i dont like:
1. the government(u can ask me why)
2.Sparkles the stalker centipede(why wont it go away????)
3.mr.sparkles/edward(REAL VAMPIRES DONT SPARKLE!!!!!D:<)
4.my sis(occasionally)
well....that ends that.:)

on AOL search,im looking up brown-grey centipedes to find a pic of Sparkles....so far i know that:brown centipedes are poisonous(eep!0.0'),all teh pic of centipedes are creeping me out T.T,house centipedes are supposed to have only 15 legs(sparkles has more!0_0'),you arent supposed to pick up a centipede(why would i???),and now im gonna stop before i spazz out!
well,no luck w/finding a good pic....i guess i have to take one myself...*shivers a little*T.T
