Welcome to my world!~ To start things off, a few things about me!~ :D

Name: Xenesis Marie Anotinette Abdul Zabeeb
Age: 1,313
Sex: Guess :P
dA: Xenesis13~~
Gaia: Ai-Reita-kun
Twitter: GilbertASDF
Tumblr: Xenesis13~

-I can't speak any other language except English.......(Though I'm working on Japanese >w< So far I can read most hiragana, and a few kanji...)
Recent quote(s) that I love :
And I have a minor case of Achluophobia/Nyctophobia, which is fear of the dark.
Current Theme Song: ???

-Fav Bands: Dir en grey~, My Chemical Romance, The GazettE, Mindless Self Indulgence, D=Out (Dauto), Miyavi, Malice Mizer, X Japan,LeATHERMØUTH, the Misfits <3, UnsraW,
Skrillex and on rare occasions, Gackt (CLICK TEH LINKS IF YOU DARE)

-Anime/Manga: DEATH NOTE, InuYasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto o-e;;, Bakuman, Hikaru No Go, Hetalia: Axis Powers/World Series, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Guilty Crown, and that's it |D

-Hates: DESU DESU YO, centipedes, saying the "s" in Illinois, iTunes, Gackt (sometimes), repetition, lectures, Illinois, boredom, politics, people only liking Invader Zim for Gir; "OMG GIR'S SO KAWAII DESU DESU!!!!1!!!@ONE!", Jersey Shore, fears of spider/bees/wasps unless you're allergic, time zones, not being able to help a friend, when bands I love disband, being depressed

- VGs: Kingdom Hearts, Batman, Pokemon: SS, The Sims2, Final Fantasy IV, Pokemon: Diamond, Pokemon: Black, Pokemon: Emerald, Pokeymanz: FireRed, Assassin's Creed

cross ur fingers..............

ok, so first off, sorry for the barrage of random videos............... ._.'
(youtube is just too fun......)and second of all, my mom says that shes trying to con my dad into getting us hi-speed internet, which means i can watch all sorts of videos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^ so im gonna cross my fingers (and eyes, cuz i can......=P ) and hope that she succeeds!!!!!(sp???????)
also, i left a commment on Tom's blog inviting him here............and mentoning my name,Xensis................
i wonder if he or any1 else from TH is on here................. >.> <.<'
i kinda hope they dont join and leave a comment..........(but i wouldnt mind..............XP )
and worst of all, i have Automatic and Automatish (the German version) stuck in my head and i cant listen to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


........what the?????????????????????O_________o'


once again.............wtf worthy...................XDDDDD


another video that is wtf worthy..............

shark video!!!!!!!!!!!

ok, so im at my friends house and we found this one video of a megalodon shark........
but dont watch it if u dont like watching huge sharks eat ppl randomly........XD