Welcome to my world!~ To start things off, a few things about me!~ :D

Name: Xenesis Marie Anotinette Abdul Zabeeb
Age: 1,313
Sex: Guess :P
dA: Xenesis13~~
Gaia: Ai-Reita-kun
Twitter: GilbertASDF
Tumblr: Xenesis13~

-I can't speak any other language except English.......(Though I'm working on Japanese >w< So far I can read most hiragana, and a few kanji...)
Recent quote(s) that I love :
And I have a minor case of Achluophobia/Nyctophobia, which is fear of the dark.
Current Theme Song: ???

-Fav Bands: Dir en grey~, My Chemical Romance, The GazettE, Mindless Self Indulgence, D=Out (Dauto), Miyavi, Malice Mizer, X Japan,LeATHERMØUTH, the Misfits <3, UnsraW,
Skrillex and on rare occasions, Gackt (CLICK TEH LINKS IF YOU DARE)

-Anime/Manga: DEATH NOTE, InuYasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto o-e;;, Bakuman, Hikaru No Go, Hetalia: Axis Powers/World Series, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Guilty Crown, and that's it |D

-Hates: DESU DESU YO, centipedes, saying the "s" in Illinois, iTunes, Gackt (sometimes), repetition, lectures, Illinois, boredom, politics, people only liking Invader Zim for Gir; "OMG GIR'S SO KAWAII DESU DESU!!!!1!!!@ONE!", Jersey Shore, fears of spider/bees/wasps unless you're allergic, time zones, not being able to help a friend, when bands I love disband, being depressed

- VGs: Kingdom Hearts, Batman, Pokemon: SS, The Sims2, Final Fantasy IV, Pokemon: Diamond, Pokemon: Black, Pokemon: Emerald, Pokeymanz: FireRed, Assassin's Creed

Yay for lack of sleep~

AS IN, MAJOR LACK. SERIOUSLY. ONLY TWO HOURS. So as a result, my brain is fried. If it was a watermelon or something, it would be a spontaneously combusted one that's burned to a crisp. So then after walking around the house tending to the puppies in a state of zombie-ism, me and mom took them to the vet. They behaved pretty well. :3333

After that I almost passed out fell asleep with them on the car ride home. It was pretty stormy out, but nothing happened. So then after flailing around a bit and somehow not passing out, I survived until this moment. |D


I HAS TWO. The one laying down is Jimmy, and the one sitting up is Hunter; both are boys. 83 ...

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1. Of course have your music device ready and put it on shuffle.
2. After each question, go to the next song.
3. Put down the name and artist of each song.

~ Favorite place to hang out at?
= Я to the Core by Dir en grey
- Erm.....the core of things? o-O;

~What did you do this morning?
= Renholdër by A Perfect Circle

~What do you think of your enemy?
= Low Of Solipsism II - Death Note OST II

~Your cellphone went dead and you don’t have your charger, what do you do?
= 鏡の舞踏幻惑の夜 (Kagami No Butou Genwaku No Yoru) by Malice Mizer
(Translation *Kanji* Night Dance Dazzle Mirror, or Evening Dance of Dazed Mirrors)
- ......I don't care. :D I don't have a cellphone, so.

~If you were an animal what would you eat?
= Vanishing by A Perfect Circle
- So I'd eat air? XD

~Unicorns and glitter~~
=Metally ver SGLB by LM.C

~Your bf/gf just bought you a gift, how do you react?
=Inochi no Ki by Girugamesh
-(translation: Tree of Life). I'd hug em. :D

~How do you lighten up your day?
= Homestuck Anthem - Homestuck OST 5
- I dunno about this one.

~What is your emotion right now?
= 蜜と唾 (Tsumi to Batsu) by Dir en grey
(Translation: Honey and Saliva (Crime and Punishment) )
- So......Wait, what. D8

~What do you think of the government?
=Mizerable by Gackt
-*Pun on Malice Mizer and miserable* YES, THEY ARE HORRIBLE.

~What do you think of me?
=Red moteL by the GazettE
- I'm assuming that's a good thing. :D

~A nickname for your pet would be..?
=Tegami Wo Kaku Yo by Miyavi
(AKA Dear My Friend)
- PFFFFFF. That works.

~What kind of weather do you think you will have for the next few days?
= Merrymaking by AN Cafe

~A song you hate comes on, what song do you replace it with?
=Silly God Disco by the GazettE
- YES!

~A random guy/girl comes up to you in Wal-mart and says hi, what do you say back?
=Soul on Fire by HIM
- "Hi. Go away."



Ohay, I'm updating. :D

Yeah, the only reason I haven't is because NOTHING'S BEEN HAPPENING. XwX Sure, I went over to a friend's house, flailed around on SS, got Emerald, slept, and had a music spree on iTunes, but that's really it. XDD Diru's supposed to be releasing a new single on the 22nd, GazE already released their single-thing, and I dunno about any other bands. o-e; I haven't really been productive on the drawing front, either. XD I STILL haven't unpacked my binder from this year, too. I dunno why. o-e; There's a random box sitting in my room, too. It's been there since April. o 3 o I'll need a new backpack for school eventually, and I can't find most of my Music = Life bags. DX And I'm now in dire need of a wallet for my nonexistent moolah. Also, Versailles. I was listening to them last night, and it was alright. owo I kept spamming the same song OVER AND OVER AND OVERRR~~

There was a big storm last night, but I'm alive. XD The power flickered out for about five seconds, so we high-tailed it to the basement. There I found out that my mom has had a copy of the Catcher in the Rye for YEARS. And that she has various Anne Rice books. o-e And there was a broken Laptop, and a dead XP. 8DDD
And now I shall stop spewing nonsense. ADIEU~