A White Dress

A White Dress

The air was like water
In which the sun shined in, clear and bright
And the water flowed softly
Making the white dress billow gently behind her
Blending almost,
Into the light puffy clouds in the horizon
The light blue sky and the crisp water
And the fields of liquid gold
Glowed with their vivid colors
And the dress reflected their soft shine
Her left hand rested in a fist on her hip
An automatic move to straighten herself up
As her right hand shaded her eyes
While she looked off into the distance
Over the smooth water
Her eyes were not searching
They gave no indication of swerving left to right
Both eyes looked on firmly
Locked on to that thing in the distance
A smile did not show on her face
Contrasting strangely with the brilliant sun
The wind blew
And the dress flew
And the young woman still looked on

Unfortunately I can't find the picture that goes with this, it really is pretty.
