Updates and Open Questions


Goes without saying, life got busy and Becky and I have been hectic (me working nights more or less every night, her getting ready to go to Japan for a semester of school). But hey, there's always good reasons to bring it back out now and then, even if our schedule's shot to poop for now.


Meantime, Kaydirt is itching to write some entries here, so he's got some free reign for a while. Should be fun.

Meantime, just to get a fresh post out to get ready for times to come... as always, in case you need 'em:

  • Do you have a written work you'd like a beta-reader to look over? Comment below!
  • Do you have any specific writing questions you'd like to have answered? Comment below!
  • Can you answer any of those questions? Comment below!
  • You have a writing workshop idea and would like to do the upcoming week's Tuesday Guest Post? Comment below!

Don't be afraid of asking big questions, either. If a question would require more than just a comment answer, we can always use them as ideas for workshops over the next week.

Remember, none of us here are teachers, professors, or professionals (well... not just yet, anyway). We're all just members who love to write, hoping to help out other members and their own interests in writing.
