The Wednesday Word: Apocryphal

apocryphal. adjective. Not canonical; fictitious; of doubtful authenticity.

Notice how a lot of crazy-nifty words come from or pertain to the bible? Go fig, huh? Anyway, this week's word comes from the "Apocrypha", a set of books in the bible not considered canon (and completely omitted in Protestant versions). Time goes on, it takes a negative connotation and basically refers to anything "of doubtful authority or authenticity." Ergo today, it's a three-syllable way of calling something fake. Burn.

I really don't need to explain this one any more, so let's just hit the examples:

James, what an apocryphal thing to say! I do not like dogs in that way!

Evidently, no one appreciated my apocryphal version of the Star Spangled Banner.

So I based my entire set of ninja skills on the apocryphal Ryu Sobakawa's teachings, so what?

Next week, we'll cover all things chthonian! Unless someone has a better idea!

(Greek origin: apókryphos, "hidden/unknown")
