Welcome to The Writers Bloc, the home base for theOtaku.com's beta-readers and a place for writers to come with questions and learn some new tricks and methods of storytelling, writing, or pretty much anything involving this mutt of a language we call Modern English.

Our Current Pool of Editors and Beta-Readers Includes:

If you have a story, essay, or any written work that you feel could use the assistance of a beta reader or editor, choose a beta-reader from the above list and PM them for availability.

As well, be sure to come visit every now and then to take part in writing workshops and discussions. And of course, if you have your own questions, don't be afraid to ask them here; we're neither teachers nor betters, but peers hoping to help.

The Weekly Schedule:

  • Monday: SomeGuy's Workshop (SomeGuy)
  • Tuesday: Rotating Guest Post (Various)
  • Wednesday: The Wednesday Word (SomeGuy)
  • Thursday: Beck's Workshop (NightBeck)
  • Friday: Updates and Open Questions (All)
  • Sunday: Becky's Writers' Block Busters (NightBeck)

So once again... welcome to The Bloc.

(Banner Design Courtesy of Red Tigress - thanks Red!)

Beck's Writing Workshop, Session Nine

Another cop-out post tonight, since last week's seemed to go well! I've been meaning to write a workshop on dialogue, but I'm writing up my prompt response for this week, so we can do that next week.

So let's hear from you guys again: is there a certain age group or gender that's easier for you to write? Is there a reason for that, or does it just come more naturally to you?

Beck's Writing Workshop, Session Seven

Sorry, guys, tonight's post is going to have to be a cop-out one. Unexpectedly busy week, really tired, etc.

So I'm going to open up the floor to you guys: when you write a story, do you write in chronological order, or do you write whatever scene occurs to you first?

Personally, I mostly write chronologically. If I write outside the timeline, it's an unrelated practice scene that won't be in the actual story. I use the scenes I'm looking forward to as motivation to get through the arduous exposition and description.

So how about you?

Beck's Writing Workshop, Session Five

Well, I didn't get any suggestions for topics to cover, so tonight, I'll just talk about something that's very important to me when I write: characters! Now, I'm not going to tell you how to write characters, or how to create better charac...

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Beck's Writing Workshop, Session Four

As requested, tonight's workshop will be covering tenses! This workshop was a little hard for me to write - tenses are simple enough once you understand them, but explaining it to others is surprisingly difficult. I'll do my best, though! And cred...

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Beck's Writing Workshop, Session Three

Forgive me, y'all, I'm dead tired tonight. Very busy day! This might be very incoherent, and if it is, I apologize. Anyway, tonight we'll be talking about something a lot of you will know about: the matter of point-of-view. But each differe...

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