Bleach artbooks!

Hello guys!^^
After watching Bleach,and seeing interesting art and characters of Tite Kubo,I decided to buy an artbook of Bleach.I received it some days ago. It's called "All colors but the Black".I only found it in Japan,so I had to import it. Anyway,it looks very good.So many character artwork,designs,and events.It really looks good.The only thing that I don't like about it,is that it is an older artbook that was released when there was only to the Soul Society arc,so there is no artwork of Espada,and so.Anyway is still looks great. If you ever find it,I definitely recommend that you buy it.
I also have one more artbook of Bleach.Well,it is not really an artbook,it is a Vibe,a like combination of manga and artbook.It is called "But the rain dried by the white moon".It is mostly in color and it shows the recap of first three seasons in screen shots style,with Tite commentary(which is all in Japanese) and there is after few episodes a image like that from real artbook.At the end of it there is a first characters images,and how Tite Kubo came to the idea of it.

So if you find any of the Bleach artbooks,I definitely recommend that everyone takes them. They also come with a nice poster.:D
And there is an artbook that I don't own,but I saw that there is almost every characters of Bleach,even one that they didn't showed,like 10th Kenpachi, the guy that Zaraki killed for position of captain.
Well that was about it.If you have,or know about any other good artbook,be sure to tell.^^

The poster in the artbook.
