Random, Boredom-Induced Writing

I'm really bored right now. Really very bored. I think I'll write a little, because that's what I do when I'm bored. I write. Pssh, I know, I'm a dork, right? ;) Anyways, here goes

Hmmmm, let's call this first one . . .

Deja Vu

Mom walked into my room, crying. That's when I knew my day was going to suck. Mom never cried unless something absolutely awful happened.

"Aeron," she sobbed, "Fletch is dead."

My mouth dropped open, a little keen escaping from my dry throat. Fletch, my boyfriend, my life, my light, was . . . dead? Gone? Forever? No, it was impossible! I'd seen him just yesterday, and his Mom told me that he was getting better. She said that he might even be going into remission again. She said he would make it! ISN'T THAT WHAT SHE'D TOLD ME?! THAT HE WOULD MAKE IT?!

But he didn't.

He didn't make it.

She lied to me.

They both did.

Fletch told me that we would be together forever. There is no forever anymore, is there.

I nodded to Mom, unable to say anything. The space that'd had Fletcher Caulden's name on it in my heart slowly deteriorated, leaving a painful chasm. Falling back on to my bed, I let my anguished tears come silently. For hours and hours, it seemed, I wept into the sheets. It's not like I wanted to do anything else. What was there to do, without him?

Time flashed past me, until I was suddenly standing in a long line. I looked down and realized that I was wearing a black dress, black heels and a pair of black lace gloves. Confused and depressed, I didn't put two and two together. I just followed the gentleman - also clad in black - in front of me, until I reached a large casket, open, and the wooden pew in front of it.

I was at Fletch's wake.

I could tell you that he looked peaceful, like he was just sleeping. I could tell you that I was happy he wasn't in pain anymore. I could tell you that I was okay after seeing my boyfriend in a coffin, dressed and ready to be covered with dirt.

I would be lying.

"Baby, I'm going to miss you so much," I whispered, "I really wish you didn't have to leave me so soon."

My chest felt tight. The tears were coming again.

"I love you, Fletcher. I love you so much."

Liquid pain spilled down my cheeks and on to my love's stone cold face.

"YOU IDIOT! WHY THE HELL DID YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Breathing was hard. Thinking about life without him was harder.


A sharp point bit into the side of my neck. Suddenly I felt very tired. Oh, great, I thought. Sedatives. The last thing I thought before I blacked out was, I hope I die from an overdose on this crap.

I shot up, screaming. Looked around my room. The calendar still said it was February eighth, the day Fletch died.

"Thank God," I sighed with a laugh, "It was all a dream."

At that moment, Mom walked in, crying.


Hmmm . . . I'm still bored . . .

No time to write another story, how about a poem? Bookworm4444 should know this one, she smacked me over the head with a textbook for writing it. Psssh. "Cynically depressing" my arse. (jk, imoto-chan, you know I love ya ;))


This room is full of
That envelope me in
This room is full of
That hides the lies

No one sees truth in
Words that keep me
No one sees truth in the
Words that drive away the

I stare into the
Wave away the
Because the way I feel in
Is the way I feel with

Would you be my
Would you be my
Will you ease my hopeless
Will you keep it

I don't need the light of
I don't need the
I just want you,
You'll be my only


Okay, I'm not bored anymore!! =D Talk to you later!
