Chpt 8 - Two Sets of Twins

“Oh, hey bro,” Riku's twin greeted him,” I didn’t know you were in here. What's up?” Riku turned around to look at him.

“What are you doing in here for?”

“Cant a guy visit their own home?” He shook his head. “I live here too you know,” Riku's twin pointed out.

“If only I could forget.”

“Riku, who is this?” I finally asked, curious.

“Unfortunately, this is my twin brother, Nero.”

“You never said you had a twin. And we never saw him when the wolves of Soule visited Himitsu,” Luna replied, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

“And now you know why I never mentioned him. Every time we visited Himitsu, Nero either wasn’t around or he just didn’t want to go,” Riku said as proof. Nero flipped his hair out of his eyes with a quick shake of his head and walked over to Luna.

“Although, I would have gone had I known this eye-appealing lady was there,” Nero said with a smile. Luna glared at him in response, but he just kept smiling.

Riku and Nero were even more alike in appearances than Luna and I. Though there were only a few minor differences. Nero's hair was just a bit longer and laid flatter than Riku's. His eyes were the same exactly shade of blue that Riku's were. Nero's clothing consisted of a dark gray jacket with black tribal markings over the arms and back. Under his jacket he wore a black t-shirt, and black pants. Nero's clothes made him look sort of gothic compared to Riku, yet in a cool way. As I realized the horrible mistake I had made in distinguishing the brothers from one another, I quickly ran up to Riku and hugged him.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t know it was really you! Can you forgive me?” I pleaded and then looked into his deep blue eyes.

He laughed and replied,”Don t worry, you're forgiven. Nero always gets me into trouble when he's here.”

“I don’t always cause trouble,” Nero countered with a dark glance at his brother.

“Sure sure. As if berserking into Soule's marketplace and getting the townspeople mad at me because you're destroying their food stands isn’t trouble, then I don’t know what is,” Riku replied sarcastically.

“Uh, actually, no, you don’t know what trouble is. You're too much of a goody two-shoes.” Riku then glared at Nero, wanting to say more, but knowing it was best not to give him anything else to answer to. “Anyways...aren't you going to introduce me to that lovely lady over there?” He asked while gesturing toward Luna.

“Hey! What about me?” I questioned him, pulling out of Riku's arms.

“That's Luna and this is Leanne. They're twins like us, as you can see.”

“Luuuuunnnaaaaa,” Nero sung, “what a pleasing name.”

“What exactly is that supposed to mean?” Luna asked, her voice holding a tone of disgust.

“Um..well..I guess now that we're all here...” Riku began to say, dropping the previous subject, and I interrupted him.

“Wait, aren't we missing someone rather important?” We all took a moment to think of who I was talking about, and Riku was the one to realize the quickest.

“Ah, of course. How could I forget about her?”
