ALA 2009

Wow, it is 2009, isn't it?
So I went to the first day of ALA as Zero. Maybe pictures later, I don't know. xD
It was too bad that there wasn't a single Kaname there.
Haha. Since I didn't have a camera, I basically went around hugging people instead of taking pictures. I hugged a Sebastian(Kuroshitsuji) and a Sweeney Todd. Yay. -fangirls-
Ahhh. My legs hurt.
I'm glad my gun didn't break like it did in AX. But that wig was such a pain. My real hair kept slipping out even though I used 5000 pins and clips.

Look forward to tomorrow as Akabane!

Lol wtf. Akabane got almost twice as many pics taken as Zero. And I thought hardly anyone would recognize me. Maybe it was just because there were more people.
So it turns out that I wasn't the only GB cosplayer. I found a Makubex and a Ban(who was a recycled Wolfwood LOL). NO GINJI TO RAPE. -is sad-
Ah. I forgot. I hugged a really awesome Sephiroth yesterday too.
I got hugged by a Kadaj. c: Randomness.
In other news, there was a Joker. And a Joker Nurse. And another Sweeney Todd.
And a guy in the Haruhi-Suzimiya-Bunny-wtf suit. o___o Admittedly, he had nice legs. I admire his courage. I get the creeping feeling that he only got away with it because he was Asian. White men crossdressing skimpily just feels different, I guess?
Kuroshitsuji: There were more Ciel's today, and I saw too Grell's also. And I met yesterday's Sebastian. He was more decked out today. <3

OH RIGHT. I'm really sorry, but I don't think I took any photos at all... ;___;
I'll see if I can find some of me posted online and link to them.

AGHHHHH. Back to reality. And school.

Edit: So now I think I'm one of, like, five Akabane cosplayers.

**This is copied directly from my deviantART journal (too lazy to edit so that it makes sense)
