Dear Secret Santa,

First of all, I'd like to thank you for participating in this event, and for using your time to draw a complete stranger a gift. :)

Secret Santa, I would love anything off of the following list:
1) My OCs Ash, Tommy (I don't have any individual pics of him), or Ash and Tommy!

2) I'm kind of in love with this Coca Cola commercial, just because it shows the brighter side of humanity. So, I would love anything that just shows that there are good people out there.

3) I'm a Zutarian. Zuko and Katara are just so cute together!

4) I absolutely adore FMA. The characters are all wonderful, and the pairings are absolutely perfect! I'm a particular fan of Al and cats and Major Armstrong (such a BAMF!).

5) I love baby animals of all kinds.

6) L. 'Nuff said.

7) Fruits Basket is my comfort manga. It makes me laugh, makes me cry, and I love it to pieces. Anything Fruits Basket related would be wonderful!

8) Alexander Ludwig.

9) Um. Socks.

10) Anything at all that you want to draw! If you have no idea and want more suggestions, there are a few more of my favorite animes/mangas in my world's introductions, but don't feel limited to that! I will love anything you create for me.

Thank you very much!
And, of course, I will give you a cookie, Secret Santa!
Milk, too, if theO has them in their gift section. :)

