Otaku Quiz, Yo.

"Borrowed" from harvestmoonluvr and keyblademewkasa.

Otaku Quiz
1) Answer these questions
2) Tag 5 other people when you’re done
3) Post in your journal/world

1. How long have you been an anime fan?

Hm....Probably since about 2007/2008.

2. What was your first anime?

I watched Sailor Moon when I was young, but I didn't know it was anime. But then my family moved and I forgot about it. The thing that actually got me into anime/manga was Avatar the last Airbender, which is technically a cartoon. So, I fail.

3. What was your first manga?

DEATH NOTE! I remember, 'cause Denny gave me a card for my birthday, telling me she'd buy me a manga book. So I went shopping with her and chose Death Note, because I had heard of it before.

4. What is your favourite anime? Why?

Either School Rumble or Ouran High School Host Club. They are both just so
amazing! I luuuuurve them!

5. What is your favourite manga? Why?

Hm...I really liked Death Note, and Kitchen Princess, and Fruits Basket, and OHSHC, and School Rumble, and Inubaka (it's such a cute series, but it has too much fan service for my tastes), and finally, Heaven! is hilarious, but, unfortunately, is perverted. I cannot choose amongst them.

6. What is your favourite manga genre? Why?

Romantic comedy, 'cause I'm a girl.

7. How much have your manga tastes changed since you first started watching anime?

They haven't, really.

8. What anime/manga have you been obsessed with over the years? Do you still like it?

Avatar the last Airbender (still a cartoon), and I LOVE IT STILL! I go back and watch old episodes from time to time, and I can't wait for the new series! Real anime-wise, Ouran High School Host Club and School Rumble are my loves.

9. Do you prefer more mainstream manga or less popular manga?

I read both, but mainly the less popular stuff. I have found some truly golden mangas that really just don't get the rep they deserve.

10. What is your favourite anime/manga character?

TAMAKI!!!!!! OR KARASUMA!!!!! OR HANAI!!!! !~L~! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 KYO!!!!! Oh, and Zuko, but I don't think he counts. And Tohru, Haruhi, and Tenma are all very good heroines, which is actually fairly uncommon in manga/anime.

11. Do you have a anime/manga crush? If so, who?

Check out the above, yo. Minus the girls.

12. Do you have a favourite anime/manga pairing? If not, make something up (you might suddenly fall in love with it!)

Sora and Kairi, Tenma and Karasma, Hanai and Mikoto, Tamaki and Haruhi, and I think that's about it. Oh, I'm also a Zutarian, but once again, that's a cartoon.

13. Do you like reading/writing fanfics?

If I can find the right fanfic, I love reading them. I don't write any myself, though.

14. Do you like drawing/looking at fanart? If so, for what manga, or does it not matter?

I love drawing, though I'm not especially good at it. I do have sketchbook after sketchbook filled with doodles of my favorite characters that I allow absolutely nobody to see. Looking at fanart is pretty much a hobby of mine. I just appreciate how well they draw, and the art is usually so beautiful!

15. What is your favourite song in an anime (it can be background music or OP/ED songs)?


16. What is your least favourite anime/manga? Why?

Peach Girl, because I watched all twenty episodes and hated each one, but kept watching. That girl is just so....ugh. At least the couple I wanted to happen happened.

17. What is your favourite video game? Why?

Rune Factory and Kingdom Hearts (the first one only). They're fun. :D

18. What is your favourite kind of videogame? Why?

RPG, because I'm not quite so horrible at those. That and they're fun. :D

19. What is your favourite anime movie?

I've only ever seen two, Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away, and I don't know which I like more/less. They were both....odd, but in a nice way.

20. Was this quiz fun? :D

Summer work was properly put off, so yes.

I refuse to tag anybody. If anybody reads this, that person may do with this as they wish.
