Dear Secret Santa,

I have been veeeeery good this year! I have kept snide comments and gossiping about unworthy band directors to a minimum! Since I have been so very good, I was wondering if you could please send me one of the following:

1) A drawing of ANYTHING Phineas and Ferb related, although Perry and Ferb are my absolute favorites. Oh, and Doofenshmirtz. And Ferb. And Isabella, and Baljeet, and so on and so forth. I love all Phineas and Ferb peeps.

2) A B-E-A-oooootiful Code Geass picture. Lelouch, Suzaku, and Arthur are my favorites!

3) Tommy (the cross-dressing redhead), Ash, or BOTH OF THEM!!! -sigh- They really do have a great story. <3

And...Um...Just so you have more options...4) Cats. I love 'em.

Thank you, Santa!
~An extremely good Maddy~
