-Insert long and ridiculously funny title-

SO. MARCHING BAND. We got second to last place overall. BUT IT ISN'T LAST! Therefore, I am happy. Our band doesn't (completely) suck. Then again, we have no idea exactly how bad the last place band was. I had a lot of fun at the competition! After we marched we got to watch the rest of them. There were so many awesome-amazing bands! Oh, and at least a fourth of our tiny little band messed with my hair. My hair looked dreads-ful afterwards. :D OH AND I HAD A CONE HEAD. Even Evil Bullfrog Demon laughed. I'd post a picture but I'm ugly and don't want stalkers. Dx

I got a good grade in my math class. *HAPPINESS IS OVERWHELMING ME* It's so good to feel smart every once and a while. It may make me conceited, but it won't last long, so don't worry! AND I HAVE A FIREWORKS PAPER! Wooo!

So I feel pretty lame putting so many 'I's into writing, 'cause I haven't been allowed to do that in so long that it just don't seem right (lol bad grammar ftw!).

It's that time of year again. The time of year when the creek water gets really frickin' cold. I was playing in it yesterday 'cause I assumed there were no scary things in it anymore. Then I saw a crawdaddy and ran away. THOSE THINGS ARE SCARY LOOKING! I'm secretly terrified of them. Oh, and if I ever saw a lobster that wasn't dead or stuck inside a cage, I would probably flip. I would never be sane again. Yeah. Just sayin'.

Today was Pajama day at school. Tomorrow is superhero day. Then it's fifties day, tacky day, and pride day. THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT I DISCOVERED A CUTE BOY TODAY. As well as everything else above.

I kinda suck at narrating my life, don't I?
