Tagged...Indirectly ;P

1. Perfect?: Pfft no.
2. Tall?: Naw. But I'm not short. Certainly not that!
3. In your pajamas?: Nope.
4. Left handed?: No.

1. Friend you saw: Dustin
2. Talked to on the phone: A friend of my mother's.
3. Person to text you: Dustin
4. Was today better than yesterday?: Yes, we did less work and I got to talk to more of my friends :)


1. Number: I have no idea...Uh...Seventeen?
2. Color(s): Blue!
3. Fruit: Strawberries, watermelon, raspberries, and blackberries :3
4. Place: 7-ELEVEN! :DD


1. Are you missing someone right now? Naw. Well, maybe kinda-sorta.
2. Are you happy? Sure thang, dearie.
3. Are you sad? Can't be that if I'm happy, sweet pea.
4. Are you bored? Most definitely. That is why I am leaving pet names all over the place, honey.
6. Are you nervous? ;D
8. Are you tired? Nope, but I'm making bread! (How that relates to the question, I have no idea, sweetie :D)

1. Eating?: No, no. I'm waiting for my bread to finish rising, darling.
2. Drinking?: Oh, certainly not! Not until I'm 21!
3. I'm about to: Look up more pet names 'cause I'm running out, sweetie pumpkin.
4. Listening to? There Is, by Box Car Racer. The singer sounds like Tom. I wonder if he is...
5. Plans for today?: Pack a lunch for tomorrow's field trip and then sweet nothingness.


1. Drank bubbles?: Most likely. I mean, sodas are at least 30% bubbles, lol
2. Lost glasses/contacts:? I don't have any glasses, babe.
3. Ran away from home?: No, teddy-bear, but I thought about it when I was the tender age of five xDD
4. Broken someone's heart: Nobody loves me enough to have their hearts broken by me, except my parents and best friends, and I LUUUURVE THEM! So no, I suppose not, deah.
5. Been arrested? Hehe -shifty eyes- NO!


1. Miracles? Yes
2. Yourself? I suppose that would depend, sweetness.
3. Heaven? DEFINITELY! Heaven is gonna be AWESOME!
4. Santa Claus? Nope, but I believe in Jesus. He's waaaay better.
4. Love? Yes.
5. Do you like someone? I do. And I have an inkling he likes me back, lol xD
6. Do you believe in God? YYes!
7. Answered the truth on all questions?: Why would I lie, honey bunches? I have not!


Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Make my way to the bathroom. The stupid door won't latch anymore without effort on my part.

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Naw, I'm pretty content you dork. (I've decided to switch tactics)

Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: Uh--Either Date Night or The Blind Side. Both were AMAZING! Different amazings, though. One was hilarious and the other heartwarming.

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: I went to school, you idiot!

Q: Do you smile a lot?

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: No, 'cause that's silly!

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Most definitely. Do you doubt it, you jerk?

Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: I slept in between my sheets on top of my bed :3 Twas very relaxing.

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: When I read the ending of The Last Song.

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: Probably something totally obnoxious, like, "beep! beep! beep!"

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 9. MLIAA (My Life Is Above Average)

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: Hotel California ^_^

Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: The chair's digging into my back, but it actually doesn't feel bad.

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: Hehe, I thought it asked what my favorite mouth was xDDD. Ahem. Probably September or July.

Q: What did you do last night?
A: I watched an episode off a DVD with my family and went to bed.

Oh, and Den-chan. Just because I love you <3
