New in this past week.

1) I have a boyfriend. Weird, huh? I haven't quite gotten over it. It's really no different than being single.
2) Easter! My cousins came over. The young one is obnoxious, the other two are okay. The young one is enamored with me, and he is cute. Okay, get this, we were having a water fight, and everyone was ganging up on me because they had to go home later. Well, I was squirting them back. I squirted the young one in the shoulder and he started crying. That pansy. xDD (I really do love my cousins. They can be irritating at times, though)
3) A whole ton of homework. More homework than I've had the rest of the year combined. Two huge, boring projects and normal homework besides.
4) Romeo and Juliet in English. Today we insulted each other with all this old English. It was AWESOME! I have never had that much fun in that class! THOU ART A MANGLED, FOOL BORN MEASLE! THOUGH ART A DRONING, ILL-NURTURED MISCREANT! Ah, fun fun. :D
